(BSD OC) Allesa - "Mafia Material"

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Allesa P.O.V

   "Are you sure this is necessary Higuchi? I look..." Looking at myself in the mirror, examining the outfit Mori provided for me. It's definitely... accommodating to Black Widow seeing as it's backless.

   Three quick knocks on the door make me jump, jesus lady, could you knock any more violently? Twisting the knob on the bathroom door, I look up and see Higuchi. Her eyes immediately shoot wide open and she swings her arms in the air and squeals, making me wince.

   "ALLEESSAAAA!!!!! YOU LOOK SO GOOD!!" I turn back to the mirror and examine myself once more, from head to toe. My previously frizzy and knotted hair combed and pulled into a tight high ponytail, with my bangs trimmed to end just shy of my eyebrows.

Adorning my neck, is a fishnet choker with a shiny spider charm in the middle. My gaze lowers to the purple and black corset covering my torso, it's strapless, and backless of course. If it wasn't Black Widow would tear the beautiful top to pieces.

   My pants are black, and leather, not the most comfortable thing I've worn, but not uncomfortable either. Lastly, I was given black ankle boots that zip up on the side, with a slight heel to them. Which are surprisingly comfortable despite how they look.

   "I don't know, this seems a little... over the top?" I say just above a whisper. Glancing over myself again in the mirror, feeling slightly insecure I turn to look at Higuchi. She's too busy ogling me to notice I even spoke.

   "Higuchi.." she snaps her eyes up to meet mine, and finally responds. "O-Oh! Did you want a coat to cover up? Wait here!" With that she zooms out of the bathroom and comes back seconds later with a black trench coat in her arms. "Here! It's one of Mr. Akutagawas coats! He rarely ever wears this one though so I highly doubt he would mind."

   Akutagawas coat? Without saying anything, I softly pull the coat from her arms and swing it around me, buttoning it all the way up. Including the collar that stops just below my jaw. "Oh! Mr. Mori said he wants to see you when you've finished getting dressed by the way. I'll take you to him!"

   Higuchi then grabs my hand and drags me out of the bathroom, through my accommodated room given to me by the Port Mafia.

   After a few minutes of me being practically pulled down hallway after hallway, we reach the doors to Moris office. Higuchi knocks twice, softly but loud enough for Mori to hear, "Come in." He says from behind the doors.

   The doors open, and my eyes immediately meet with Akutagawas, why is he here? I turn and see another man, with red hair and a hat. Another one? I thought Mori wanted to see me alone... Oh no.

   "Hello ladies, I apologize for the guests, we're simply discussing future plans, please, come in." My gaze turns to the man behind the desk, Mori. I smile nervously and nod, walking further into the room.

   The click from my shoes echoes off the window covering the entirety of the wall to my left. "A new recruit, Mori? Who brought this one in?" The red head says with a slight tone of curiosity.

   "I did." I turn to look at Akutagawa, who's taking a sip of his tea. The redhead scoffs, "Really? I never saw you as the social type Akutagawa." The raven haired boy glares slightly at the red head, and leans back in his seat.

   I lower my head, waiting for Mori to speak once again, and he does. "I don't remember giving you that coat, Miss Allesa, whose is it?" My breath hitches as my eyes dart back to Akutagawa. Oh god he's gonna think I'm so weird for taking his coat I-

   "It's Mr. Akutagawas sir! She said she didn't feel comfortable with the outfit on it's own so I gave her one of his extra coats!" Higuchi chirps. I can feel my face heating up, and two eyes staring practically into my soul, god I wonder who it could be.

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