(MHA OC) Mikazuki Aru Synopsis + "Fever Dream"

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Mikazuki Aru; or as others called her, Mika, was a fun loving and bright girl, she stood up for others and loved her friends with unbridled loyalty. She was always there to help others, and was always the one people would go to if they had something troubling them. Not many people ever bothered to check on her though, this didn't bother her much as it bothered her three best friends, Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki. She was strong, and could take care of herself. Mika was the 4th strongest student at UA, as third years, she and her three friends often went from class to class coaching the younger students on certain subjects, the most recent visit was to Class 1-A. Mirio and Mika both took on the class in a Mach battle, of course beating them because of the amount of training the two had endured through their years at the prestigious school. Mika's quirk was called "Hallucination" ; she had the ability to cause extremely realistic visual, auditory and physical hallucinations for her targets. Some people called her a villain because of this, others said she was a goddess, as she had used this power to comfort others when in a dangerous or upsetting situation. Blocking out the scene before them and encasing them in a more harmonious, home-like visual, but all quirks have drawbacks. One-for-all if not used correctly, broke your bones. Explosion, deafening you slowly as you age. With Mika's quirk not being the physical type, neither was its drawback. Mika was haunted at night with night-terrors, and hallucinations of her own. Only a handful of people knew about her quirks horrifying drawback, those people being her parents, and her three best friends, Nejire, who's dorm was right next-door to Mika's, had to endure the excruciating sound of her best friends muffled sobbing, as she didnt know how to comfort her, how could she? Nobody could see, hear or feel the things Mika was experiencing. During the mach battle against Class 1-A, Mika had overused her quirk, at the time, she thought nothing of it. The recurring sleepless nights left almost permanent bags under her eyes, and she became used to the night-terrors and hallucinations she had almost nightly. She had no idea how far she really pushed herself earlier that day though, as the night came rolling in, she was unable to prepare herself for the terror she was going to face.

Mika P.O.V

   "It's not real, It's not real, IT'S NOT REAL!" I scream, 'I've done this before, I can distinguish what's real and what's not, right?' I start to shake as I take in the scene before me.

   A crowded street, people are shouting and running behind me, to get away from the ruckus beyond them. I can feel the small gusts of wind as each person passes by, the sound of shoes hitting the asphalt echoing in my ears.

   I can see what they're running from clearly now, a villain with a monstrous body; in size and appearance, is stomping towards me, merely 100 feet away. Three figures appear in front of me within the blink of an eye, It's my friends! Nejire turns to look at me, giving me an ever so sweet smile. "We've got it covered bestie! No need to worry!" Her statement sends a wave of relief through my body. I turn my gaze to Tamaki, as he suddenly sprouts a beautiful pair of wings. As if he wasn't already an angel, those wings made him fit the role perfectly. I loved to watch him fight. It's almost like he becomes a whole different person, no longer being the timid boy he is known to be.

   His gaze never falters from the enemy before him as he speaks. "I- We'll protect you Mika."
Mirio flashes a grin and a thumbs up, agreeing with Tamaki. I feel another sudden gust of wind as Nejire and Tamaki fly into the air, Mirio running beneath them matching their pace.

   They begin attacking the villain, swiftly dodging and countering its attacks with ease. Nejire and Tamaki attacked closer to the villains head, it being almost 3 stories high, while Mirio was landing blows at its feet. "You won't win this fight!" Mirio shouted as he kicked the villains ankle, resulting in it losing its footing and falling forward slightly.

   The monstrous creature let out a low growl, and with an outlandish burst of speed kicked Mirio into a building, knocking him out cold. I let out a yelp, and attempt to get up and run to him, but my body is frozen in place, frozen in fear. Nejire notices this happen and starts to float towards him, but is interrupted by the villains arm bashing against her and sending her into the same building, this time a few stories up.

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