Dabi's pov Chapter Two

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When Shigaraki and the group came back from looking for food I didn't expect them to show up with an angry blonde and a dog. I didnt even people still had dogs, kinda assumed that they were ethire dead or rabid. They got back an hour ago and know has talked to the Blonde and Shigaraki off to who the fuck knows where. He really piss me off, i mean who the fuck brings some random kid and a mutt leaves in the middle of the room doesn't say anything then disappears for a fucking hour. Literally what the fuck. If he doesn't get his crusty ass out here soon i'm gonna beat his ass. Like he read my mind he come waltz out of the back. We walks straight over to the kid. Finally we get some fucking answers.

" What your name and What the hell are you doing on our land" Shigaraki said, looking tired and rather being anywhere and not dealing with this. Which is ironic since he brought the damn kid here.

"Bakgou Katsuki, we were chased into town by some zombies. We were trying to pass through the town without being seen or running into trouble" the angry blonde said with an annoyed look on his face.

" is there anyone else with you" Shigaraki asked

"Just me and Ritz" he answered. Who the fuck is Rizts.

" Ritzs?" Kurogiri Asked. Guess not the only one who doesn't know who Rizts is, who fuck names a person Rizts

" The Dog '' The blonde said with an eye roll. That make more sense the a person named Rights

" how old are?" Kurogiri Asks another question.

"Sixteen" He answered Quickly. This kid was only sixteen he probably remembered nothing from before the apocalypse. I'm surprised he is still alive. I was nine when the apocalypse hit so I have a good amount of memory from before. Now that i think about it he and toga are only a year apart. That fucked up, I can't imagine not remembering anything from before the apocalypse.

Shigaraki walked towards the group who was by what had once been a bar. Coming across this place was like a jackpot there's enough booze to last a lifetime here. Toga follows closely behind shigaraki away from the blonde over with the rest of the group.

"What do you think we should do with the kid" Shigaraki asked

" We could always just send him off" Sinnper say

" he right it not like he came looking for trouble, he simple was running from zombies" kirigiri add

"I think we should keep him" toga saying cheerful, causing everyone to look over at her in disbelief.

" what it's not like he trying to kill us and he probably useful sense he survived this long" evere on just continued to look at her

"Plus i like him" she add on. Toga always comes up with the craziest idea. I'll give her that.

"I agree with toga the little spitfire looks like he is useful, he might line the place up" I say causing people to look at me like I'm crazy.

"I also agree, I mean letting him stay won't be that big of a probamble. He could also help with scavenging and other things" Kurigriri chimes in. everyone looks over to Shigaraki for the final answer

" Sure, whatever, as long as he pulls his weight I don't really care," Shigaraki says. It amazed me how Kurigiri can do almost anything everyone will agree with him. Even somebody said before him. He really does hold a lot of power around here.

" Who's gonna ask him?" I say. Everyone looks over at Shigaraki. He rolls his eyes and walks over to the blonde and the mutt. That we had completely forgotten about. Oh well it seems well engought behaved, and like it won't cause any trouble.

" You can stay here if you like," Shigaraki tells him. He was a little shocked like he wasn't expecting them to offer to stay. Which is justified; most groups would have killed him or sent him away.

"Uhh... No thanks" he says. We all looked at him shocked, we not expect him to turn us down i'm mean a sane person quote.

"Im sorry what" shigaraki say in shock

" are you death or something i said no" he say while looking at us like we're stupid. Were all in shock. None of say anything

"Can i leave now" The kid asked with an annoyed tone. Damn he must really not want to be here at all. Before anyone can answer their banging on the door. We give each other confused looks until ..... Bamn the door comes crashing down

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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