Chapter One

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The apocalypse wasn't that bad. I mean there were the obvious problems like zombies, finding food,and the bullshit that came with trying to find a place to rest without getting involved in 'turf wars'. Wich are just fucking stupid thing ever, but what you expect from people. In the end it wasn't that bad. I mean it complete chaos 24/7 but its.... Nice, Maybe that makes me crazy. Of course there the factor that i never experienced any different.. I can't remember anything from the pre-apocalypse, which makes sense. I was two when a man eating zombies came out of nowhere, and started eating everyone. Rizts snape's me out of my thoughts with her barking. Warning: zombies are nearby.

I quickly stomp out the fire and start packing up my stuff including the tattered orange and black blanket that I got from my parents before they passed. I shove Rizts water bowl into my backpack. Ritz nocks into my legs

"Hey" i snap at her then look over a horde of zombies about ten yards to the left

"Oh shit" i mutter while slinging the backpack on. While to let Ritz know it time to go and take off in the other direction. Doging branches and jumping over roots from trees. With Ritz a couple of paces ahead of me. Zombies are still chasing after us. Well more me than Ritz scenes they don't seem to care for anything other than humans. Which if you think about is good for us so we have som


After about five miles of running we came across a road. On the other side of the road was more wood or I could follow the road which will probably lead me to a town. Which could have a group of people who have claimed it. Probably safer to go into the world.

"What do you think Ritz woods or road" I ask she tilt her head to the left then barks.

" I think we should go into the woods too" I answered her bark as if I could understand her. We start walking towards the woods. When we start to hear sounds like growling..... Zombies

"So much for the woods huh Rights" she left up her neck which allows you to see the white spot among the rest of her black fur. We start going down the road to try to put some distance between us and the zombies.

While jogging I caught a sight of a sign. I backtrack to get a closer look at what it says. It is a green that says "next town 3 miles ahead" thank hades. We should get there before sun rise so if i could find somewhere safe i can sleep about couples before we take off.

" see that Rizts 3 miles then we can rest and get some sleep" I tell her which she responded by licking my hands and barking. Wich is fucking disgusting. I shoot her shirt scowls to which she just wags her tail. I take one long look at the sign, then whistle to let Ritz know it time to go. We arrived in the town about four hours before the sun rose, and found some sort of store where we could look for supplies. I quickly swept the store, I only found one zombie that I picked in the head, with my knife. Then dragged outside, so i won't have to smell it. i'll search the store in the morning before we take off. Hopefully we won't run into any people, while making our way through the town. I dig through my bag a pull out and bull and poor out some water in it for Ritz. She quickly drinks the water. I need to find something to block the door with, maybe one of the shelves they don't look to heavy. I start push one of the shelves which fucking heaver than it looks, but I successfully get in front of the door. I finally find a spot where I can see the door and sit down, letting my legs rest. I pull out my blanket and Right comes curls up next to me as I close my eyes for some sleep.

"Eww stop licking my fucking face, im getting up", I grumble at Rizts. I get up and give Rights some water to drink while I start packing up and start searching through the store . I find three bottles of water and box of granola bars. I pack them in the bag, ang garb RItzs empty water pull and stuff into my bag. I move the fucking heavy ass shelf from in front the door. I whistle letting Ritz know it's time to go. Start to make our way through the town which seem pretty abandon. I haven't even seen a zombie sense we left the store. Which seems kind of wrong, like maybe the town isn't so abandoned. My suspicion were confirmed when I went the turn the corner I heard voices. It quickly ducks into an alley. Try to listen for when they leave from the sounds of it theirs, maybe two or three of them. I can't make out what their say curse my stupid left ear.

"What are you doing in our terf '', A voice. Spin around to see a man with light blue hair that goes just about the shoulder and red eyes. He's wearing a big black hoodie and gray sweatpants. His skin looks a like in need a fuck ton of lotion. Fuck why dose this shit happen to me. Rizts start barking at him and looks over at her with the most unimpressed look on his face.

"Ritz" I yell at her, she quickly quiet down

"Well" he says with an annoyed tone. I look back over to him and sallow.

"Well I-"

"Nevermind" he says, cutting me off. Which just fucking rude

"You'll come with me and explain back at the base that I'll decide what to do with you..." he paused and looked over at Ritz with disgust. "... and the mutt" eyes her for a second longer then looks back over to me i go to protest

"It's not up for discussion", he quickly said like he knew what I was gonna say. Just fucking great now have to go back with this crusty lip baster where he"ll probably kill me or take all my shit. I Take back what i said about the apocalypse it fucking sucks.

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