Were you gonna kiss me?

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(Tony's POV)
By the time the agency party was over, the crew was exhausted. After all, we had just saved all of Mexico City and almost gotten ourselves killed in the process. Also, Cisco's Uncle Tuco had challenged all of us to a wrestling match during the party, which didn't go too well for me, considering I was still feeling the hits I'd taken from Morey back in the volcano. So, when we finally piled back into the hauler for the night, I was hoping to pass out and get a good night's sleep for once. But of course, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. I guess I still had too much adrenaline from the last couple of days. I looked around at the rest of the crew, sound asleep in their bunks. Even Layla. I would've thought she'd be having a worse time than me, ever since she mentioned always sleeping with one eye open and her back to a wall when she was on the run. But she looked so peaceful now. I guess that meant she really did trust us. After all, she did say earlier that she was never leaving the team now. My heart fluttered a little, thinking back to that conversation. There was a moment where I thought she was gonna...well, I don't know. Let's just say I left the party feeling a little confused.
I made my way to the main compartment of the hauler where we all usually hung out and went to the fridge to grab a Yoca.
"Hey Toretto."
I jumped and turned around at the voice. Layla was standing in the doorway, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
"Oh, hey Layla," I said, giving her a smile. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up."
"Don't sweat it," she told me. "Can't sleep?"
"Yeah," I said, sitting down on the couch across from the fridge. "I thought it'd be easy after the week we've had, but I guess I should be used to things not going the way I think they will by now."
I thought back to the last time I couldn't sleep, back when we were Rafaela's prisoners. Layla had woken up and talked with me that time too.
She grinned and sat down next to me. "Yeah, that does seem to be a pattern with you. So what's up? Somethin' on your mind?"
I hesitated. "I don't know...a lot of things, I guess."
I glanced at her. She was looking at me intently, searching my face and obviously waiting for me to continue.
"Well, spit it out, Toretto. What's goin' on? If you're still worried I might leave, I already told you earlier, that's not gonna happen I promise. You guys are my family." She paused for a moment and then shuddered a little. "Ugh. I really never thought I'd hear myself say that."
I chuckled. "No, it's not that. I trust you. But...there is still something about earlier that I wanted to, uh, talk about."
Layla pursed her lips ever so slightly. I wondered if she could tell what I was talking about. Probably.
"Okay," she said. "Then let's talk."
"Alright, well, um...when you were saying all that stuff to me earlier- about how you jumped through fire for me and could never leave me now and-"
"Get to the point Toretto."
"Right, uh," I cleared my throat. "Well there was a moment I thought...um, I mean, were you gonna, you know..."
"Kiss you?" Layla finished the sentence for me.
"...yeah." I risked a glance at her. She was looking straight ahead.
"I- wait, no, you can't just say maybe!" I protested.
"Why not?" Layla asked, turning to look at me now.
"Cause that's leaving me just as confused as before."
She rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright...so yeah, I was going to. But then, you kind of looked like you didn't want to, so I thought I misread things, and ya know, I have a reputation to protect so..."
I didn't know what to say. Well, I did, but I didn't really know how to say it. That was the problem. Layla freaking Gray had just admitted that she'd wanted to kiss me and I...I'd made her think I was uncomfortable with it? Lugnuts. Tony Toretto, I told myself, you really are a big idiot. I realized I hadn't said anything for far too long, because Layla had begun fidgeting with the zipper on her jacket.
"Layla, I..." I began.
"No, it's ok," she said quickly, putting her hands up in defense. "It was stupid anyway."
"What? No, it wasn't. It's not. The truth is..." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "I would've been completely fine with kissing you. More than fine with it, actually, but, um, the thing is...I wasn't really expecting you to want to kiss me? And then everyone was watching us, and to be honest you're kind of like really intimidating, so..."
"You think I'm intimidating?" Layla smirked."Good."
"How could I not be? You're a funny, beautiful, brave, race car driving spy who can definitely beat me up. So yeah, I really thought you were out of my league."
"Are you kidding? You're the only racer who's ever kept up with me Toretto." Layla's gaze softened and she looked away from me. "And...you believed I could be good when no one else did. I never told you how much it meant to me when you came back for me at the military base, but that's stuck with me. You're the first person to ever fully trust me, and I know I can fully trust you"
Layla turned her gaze back on me, her cheeks tinged pink in the dim light of the hauler. I was glad it was dark because my face was definitely looking like a tomato. I'd never heard Layla say so many heartfelt things before.
"Wow..." I started, trying to find words to match the confession Layla had just given. Fortunately for me, she didn't give me the chance.
"I know, I know, Layla Grey being sentimental, never thought you'd hear that. Anyway," she took my hand. "Now that we're on the same page..."

This time when she leaned in, I didn't lose my courage. And it was pretty much the best kiss of all time

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