Chapter 38- nightmares (His)

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"Frost, we've never been this late !" Cherry was checking her clock for the third time.

"I know ~" Frost replied, anxiously looking at the school building.

Frisk drove his kids to the gate, already missing the warmth of his sheets - and Chara, of course

"Hey kids."

Still, he locked the door before Frost and Cherry could even get out of the car.

"Dad ~ Why are you doing this ~" Frost and Cherry whined that a bit, the last bell will soon ring and they had no time for pranks.

As soon as said bell chimed, Frisk opened the doors and grinned, letting his pouting little devils go.

"Run." which they frantically did, evading the yelling teacher and running in the halls to their classroom. The teacher had just finished calling the roster and was about to start, then went back and noted them tardy before proceeding.

Frisk waited a bit before going back home, he loved teasing his kids as much as his wife. Frisk wouldn't overdo it though, they were his little devils after all.

Classes ran as usual, and Frost and Cherry were always stuck with each other. Some kids wanted to bully Cherry for the sake of it, just because she frequents monsters.

With Frost around, they were not taking up any chance. Not that Cherry wasn't capable, she just did not like fighting that much. As lunch time came, both took their usual orders and favorite spot, keeping an eye open for "threats."

"Monsters ! Monsters ! Monsters !" chanted a table at the other side, with those self proclaimed AMC supporters. They were only a handful, but they were making such a ruckus the school did not bother stopping them.

Jake came to the yelling bunch, asking them to tone it down so everybody can eat and not hate them that much. Surprisingly, they complied and ate up their lunch before going out. Jake looked at Frost and Cherry, which in turn glared at him.

"What's he trying to do?" Frost looked at Cherry, concerned and biting over his dessert.

"I dunno, but he's coming our way." commented Cherry, who ordered salad for the first day in her life.

"Um ... Frost, can we like ... talk?" said Jake, being embarrassed at what should be coming next for him.

Before Frost snaps and conjures his short sword, Cherry quickly pinched his hand.

"Don't cause a scene you idiot, we don't want to trouble dad with our problems at school."

"But that bitch's kid is right here being all buddy-buddy."

Cherry gave Frost an "excuse me?" look, pointing at his usage of words. He gave up talking and just sat back, leaving Jake standing in the middle of their chatter.

"Um." was all Jake could say before seeing Cherry getting up and speak to him.

"Yeah, you can sit on Jake, and keep that dork company while I get an actual meal."

Unfortunately for Frost, Cherry ignored his silent cry for help as Jake tried getting close to him. He was both confused and really mad at his sister but ... his crush was inches away and being strangely flustered for a reason.

"This ain't no plot for your Momma, is it?" said Frost, almost as cold as his name would suggest.

Jake bugged for seconds before answering, even more flustered.


Cherry came back with nuggets, smirking at her brother and his "crush" being all cute in there.

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