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  "You know it sucks to have no plans for the whole summer. It's like I have no social life what so ever." Drew states from the floor of my room. He has been pouting since the last day of school because his best friends Ross left the day before for his family vacation.

To me he was being dramatic because the boy was only going to be gone for 3 weeks top and it's not like he can't hang out with me. "Stop your whining, Ross will be back before you know it. Until then, you have me to keep you company, plus I'm a lot more fun then he is."
I said from my computer desk.

"Yeah, what ever helps you sleep at night dude." He got up from the floor, "It's just this might be our last summer together, he hasn't gotten his acceptance letter from UCLA yet and he has a full ride for LSU."

"It's gonna be fine. Ross is literally the best player on that team, there's no way those buttheads are gonna pass on the chance milking him." I reassured him.

Drew and Ross played baseball at our high school and this was their last year. Before school let out Drew had gotten recruited by a UCLA scout and was offered a partial scholarship. Don't get me wrong, Drew was an amazing player but Ross was the totally package. He had a good swing, was a fast runner and had a heck of a pitching arm. So I had no idea what either of them was worried about.

"Thanks a lot for the compliment brother. I'm going see if there is any food." Drew said in mock hurt before leaving .

It wasn't long after I closed my computer and followed him.

Surprisingly, all my family was sitting around the kitchen island talking and laughing. My dad is usually still at work around this time and Rein would usually be at the babysitters but mom must have picked her up on her way from work.

Both my parents are criminal attorneys who own their own firm. Ophelia and Nathan Cooper own Coopers&Co., one of the biggest law firms in South California. Mom likes to be with us so she usually cuts her day sort about 2pm and brings the rest of her work home. While dad, he would usually stay in the office till 9pm.

"Elio, Elio, Elio, guess what, " Rue yelled running up to me. As she got closer I picked her up and hooked her around my hip. " I finally lost my front tooth!!" She said with the widest smile. I choked back a laugh at how happy she was to loose a tooth. I remember I hated loosing my teeth because my older cousins would pick on me.

"Super cool Rue, you're getting all your big girl teeth so fast." She giggled at my words as she planted her feet back on the floor.

"Nice to see you old man." I pat my dad on the shoulder as I take the seat next to him. "What's
for dinner."

He laughed . "They're panting the building so we had to leave early and, we were just about to order out... when ever your mom decides what she wants." He said giving my mom a pointed look. "Opi the kids are hungry, what do you want to order."

After a while of back and forth we settled on steak from my dad's favorite restaurant. It's like his cheat meal mom allows him to have every 2 months. The steaks are so buttery and juicy that if he eats too many he might have a heart attack.

While the rest of us waited on our food, mom cooked Rue some Dino nuggets and vegan Mac and cheese with broccoli. This is her typical meal when we order out because she's allergic to most things including diary. Kind of like her own cheat meal.

After dinner, we sat in the family room watching our favorite show, Grey's Anatomy. Once that was done I went took a bath and then got on facetime with my best friends, Olivia and Tate who are identical twin sisters.


Saturdays in the Cooper house-whole are lazy for everyone except dad, he's always working on some case. Mom usually is too but she hates working on weekends. We all sit around either reading or on a device while dad is either in his office or at brunch with clients or coworkers, which is were he's at now.

I lay in bed watching my phone as I hear the frantic voice of my brother calling for my mom as he runs down the steps. "Mommmmmm." I follow behind him to make sure he's ok.

He turns in circles looking for her once he reaches the kitchen, the look on face is like he's seen a ghost. "I'm in the living room sweetie what's wrong?" She calls.

He runs towards her and I'm right behind him.
"Mom, I was checking my emails and I got this a month ago, some kid name Blue found me on Instagram and he is saying he's my brother. Do you know anything about this? Is this even possible?" Drew  questioned mom in a frantic manner.

Once the words left his mouth, me and moms jaws dropped. "What the fuck?" was the only thing that could come from my mouth. Mom shot me a pointed look but didn't say anything.

"Sweetie I have no idea, do you have a picture or anything?" She asked. Drew hands her the phone showing her a picture that he attached to the email. "He has features of Jacob but I'm not entirely sure. I haven't talked to him in about 10 years and he never mentioned having another kid but it's possible honey." She said with a calm voice.

I can tell Drew was trying to keep calm but he couldn't keep his leg from shaking so I knew he was nervous. "Hey, how about you let me talk to dad about this and I'll try to get Jacobs recent number from the divorce lawyer and make sure this kid is telling the truth. After that you can figure out where you wanna go from the .. okay?"

Drew simply nodded his head and went back to his room. I followed behind him just to make sure he's ok. "Hey, you good?" I asked from his doorway.

"Yea, just shocking. I think I want to meet him if he's actually my brother," I couldn't imagine Drew having another sibling. I already have to share him with Rue and Ross, but I know it would mean a lot to him to have some sort of connection with his birth father. "That's if you don't mind." He finished.

"Of course not. If he's your brother I want you to know him."

"Thanks E-man. You're the best."

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