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Tuesday, everyone was stressing but me. Mom was stressing out because Drew and I brought maraschino cherries instead of pie filling cherries, so she had to go back to the store. Drew was stressing cause mom was yelling and he was nervous about the situation.
Dad was late for work. Rue couldn't find her favorite dress. And I was just sitting back watching everyone lose their minds.

"Dude, is this outfit good enough to go eat lunch with your long lost brother?" Drew asked me from the doorway of my room.

"He wasn't lost and you look fine Andrew." I replied plainly from my bed.

"What's up with you today dude, you haven't left your room since breakfast.",Drew said walking further into my room. " I asked if you were okay with this, you said it was cool. Why are you being so standoffish? " He had a guilty look on his face and that was last thing I wanted.

I put I was reading down and straighten myself against the headboard. "I'm fine Andrew. Just trying to stay out of moms way. Im happy for you." I said getting up from the bed. I'm going shower, see you later.

Later that day, Drew got a text that Blue was 20 minutes away. At that point, mom decided my outfit wasn't good enough and sent me to change. Compared to her pencil dress, my hoodie and jeans didn't fit the dress code.

I replaced the hoodie with a flowy white button up and my Nike slides with my Air Force 1s. After I was done, I rejoined the family and got a nod of approval from my mom. Dad had made it back on his lunch break just in time to meet Blue.

Mom made us stand by the door like we were greeting the damn president. This is just going to make everything feel awkward.

Not long after we all gathered around the door that there was a loud knock. Dad opened it and the boy who walked through the door was not at all what I expected.

I never got a good look at the picture he sent Drew and the baby picture didn't give me any idea what he looked like now.

He wore a nervous smile and I could till just by his body language I could tell, he didn't like us waiting at the door for him like the privileged white people we are. 'No one does this anymore.' Dad introduced himself first with a firm handshake. Rue threw herself around his leg. Mom was next and she embraced him in a hug. Drew was next and he repeated moms actions. When it was my turn I didn't know what to do. He wasn't brother so a hug didn't feel right and a handshake felt to formal.

"Hi, I'm Elio." I said and just kept my hands by my side until he made the first move. He settled on a hand shake.

"Oh, like from Call me By Your Name, cool." He said with a smirk. I hated when people said that. Like yes, love  Timothée Chalamet but I was named after my grandfather.

"Yes except, I was born before the movie. I'm actually named after my mother's dad who was  Italian." I told him in a annoyed tone.

Dad shot me a glare that said 'stop being a smart ass' and then turned back to Blue. "It's so nice to meet you Blue but I have to back to work, I'll see you guys later for dinner." With that my dad left after he kiss my mom on the forehead.

"Andrew....Elio, show Blue where he'll be sleeping." Mom said with a wide smile. It was fake but it hid her nervousness. Drew lead and I was finna follow behind but my mom stopped me. " Elio, please be nice." She ask as he fake smile fell.  I silently agreed and caught up with Drew and Blue.

When I made it to the guest room, they were already inside. I watched them from the doorway. "My room is right next door and Elio is across the hall to the left. If he's not in there he's probably in his pottery barn pass the pool. If you need anything you can come to us. Mom and Dad are on the third floor, the game room and library is also up there." Drew would have kept going if I didn't stop him.

"He's only going to be here for a week Drew, he doesn't need to know everything." I said and headed towards my room. I sat in my bed and resumed reading my book from earlier.

A while later, Drew announced that they were head to lunch. He invited me to go along but I politely declined. Mom made it clear they were to go alone.

It was 2 hours later when Drew and Blue walked through the door. I had move from my room to the living room because mom kept calling me to help her with something so, I just moved down stairs.

The boys face lit up with happiness as they joined me on the in the living room. "Where did you guys have lunch?" I asked. I was expecting Drew to answer but Blue spoke up instead.

" Salvatore's, ever been? They have some of the best hot wings-." Blue stopped when he seen the look I shot Drew.

"Yea, I've been. That's me and Drew's secret spot. Well, not anymore at least." I took my book and move to the kitchen as I felt my chest tightening. I couldn't believe Drew told him about Sal's.

I expected mom to have a mess in the kitchen. I was quite surprise when it looked like everything was going accordingly."Do you need any help?" I asked her. She must have not noticed I walked in because she jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Damn it, Elio! You scared me." She yelled with a chuckle. "I think I have it handled sweetie but can you go check on Rue for me please, she was playing in her room ?" She asked. I replied with a nod and went upstairs.

I found Rue in the game room playin the Nintendo switch. "Hi Lovey, what you playing?" I asked sitting next to her in the love sac.

"Animal Crossing." She said focused. She pause the game and looked at me.


Rue and I must have played for hours because the next thing I knew mom was calling us down for dinner. We sat on one and Drew and Blue at on the other while, mom and dad both sat on each end.

"The food looks great Mrs. Cooper." Blue complimented with a side smile. His wav

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