The World Beyond The Clouds

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Whenever you take a look, up into the clear blue sky on a bright and sunny day, you'd see fluffy little groups of clouds flowing by with the wind, birds big and small flying all around in groups or on their own, or even a rainbow that seems to have no end to it (if you're lucky enough). These beautiful sights are the most common things one captures with their bare naked eyes, when you stand on the ground that is. What they don't know is that behind all these clouds lies a whole new world that is different from the one that so-called "humans" live in now (rumours have it that it is continuously being destroyed, pity). Yes, this world is beyond the reach of humans, inhabited by a multitude of kingdoms, consisting of the most extraordinary and magnificent creatures one never knew existed.

For centuries, these creatures have claimed their territories behind the highest of clouds, far away from any mere mortal's sight. Ranging from creatures such as Minotaurs to Griffins, these kingdoms live peacefully with each other, sharing their grounds with one another. Reminds me of those stories the human mother would tell before bed (with the whole dragons, wizards and little elf kind of concept. The only difference? They are real, more real than what those human stories would brainwash you to think). Unfortunately, just like the stories you'd hear, there are the good guys, and then there are the bad guys. There are those groups of creatures that clearly do not uphold the peacefulness and harmony in the land they live in. Creatures who have hearts as cold and hard as stone; going around creating havoc and chaos, even in the kingdoms in the clouds. The Gulon, Mantichora and Trolls were considered the baddest and most evil creatures to have ever existed. They stole food and crops that were easily accessible to them even if it belonged to other kingdoms. They swoop down on the surface of Earth to devour any human beings in the middle of the night, leaving only bones when it turns morning. They capture the creatures from other kingdoms in the clouds, making these poor unfortunate creatures their slaves. The more the slaves, the higher a status you carry (rumours have it that humans function the same as well, apparently).

Hundreds of years moving forward, the kingdomswho were terrorized by these evil beings could not take their ignorance towardsliving harmoniously anymore. They decided that it's time they fought back.Joined hand in hand, kingdoms after kingdoms created ruckus in the land ofwhich these evil creatures lived. Warriors stood up and fought the ugly battlewith these creatures and soon enough, they raised the white flag and vowed tonever start a war with other kingdoms. Peace and harmony were restored. Lifecontinued on as usual in the years after the Great Retaliation. That is, untilthe Trolls decided to break their vows and disrupt the harmonious balance ofthe kingdoms in the clouds by reverting back to their old habits. This time, they'dbe attacking the smaller, bite-sized kingdoms in the clouds, including thesmall village in the heart of the clouds, called Genovia.

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