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Ryan was stunned and asked to talk with Stevan personally after giving the green light for everyone else to come out from their bunkers and resume their daily activities.

"Is everything alright, Stevan? Melkree... he's dead" Ryan's voice was full of concern.

"Uhm...yea...I'm...good, I'm fine...completely fine. I mean I..." Stevan's voice trembled as he answered this.

"Stevan, do you know what stunt you just pulled there...?" Ryan cut through Stevan's train of thoughts.

"Yes, I killed Melkree. End of story. The trolls will never come and pull off stupid shit like that anymore, neither would they dare come and start wars anymore, physical ones and mental ones. They should feel afraid; feel the wrath of Genovians." Stevan gathered his thoughts together, seemingly angry at the same time proud of what he did.

"That was the first time, THE FIRST TIME, in a long while since blood was shed in this here clouds. Not that I wanna scare you or anything, not like anything scares you anyways but what if... they ran, not in fear, but with the thought of revenge?" Ryan stared at Stevan, as though waiting for an answer and a solution from him, albeit a bit pointless at this point of time.

"Stevan, Melkree has a son. What do you think will happen when his son grows old? What if that day comes when his son finally understands the shit YOU pulled? Anything can happen at that rate!" Ryan was crazy serious with this.

"I hear you Ryan, you think I don't know that?!" Stevan shouted, catching Ryan off guard a little.

"Look... If and only if, he appears for revenge, we'll be ready for this. There is nothing that Genovia can't take on."

Ryan could not believe the bullshit amount of 'confidence' that Stevan was blabbering out right now.

"What if you're old by then, huh? Who is going to help you fight back if they come after Genovia? We did not come to Genovia here in the clouds just to possibly go through what happened on Earth; war, violence and death. I can't help you anymore, friend. I can't keep saving your arse from shit like this."

Stevan knew where this conversation was going. "You're planning to retire too? Just like Holden and Reyes? To focus on the fam?"

"Don't pull that sad tone of yours now. Do you not plan the same? I have my pair of twins, Cory and Collins, and so do you. Heck, you have two of your own now, Stevan. I hope you remember that." Ryan said as he stood up.

"Family is the most important and most precious thing you could ever have. Don't take that for granted"

After finishing the small pep talk with Stevan, Ryan left the room, leaving Stevan and his thoughts all to himself.

"I want to focus on the family too, on Sarah, on Damien and on my little girl that is soon to come, but if I don't do my part in keeping this village safe and protected for them to grow up in, then what is the point of me focusing on my family?" Stevan thought to himself.

Everyone grows old eventually and soon enough, our bodies won't be able to keep up with our surroundings anymore. That's how the world works, even in the clouds.

At that moment, a lightbulb brighter than the morningday lit up over Stevan's head. That was when he came up with this amazing andinsane idea. What if he taught his kids how to fight, how to stand up toprotect this land and keep the ones they love safe? When they are of age, ofcourse. That way, he can get to spend time with the family and teach them theways of protecting this beloved land of Genovia, keeping everyone safe andhappy as before.

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