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5 hours until dawn

Mike had placed a gentle hand her back, but it now turns rough, gripping her waist

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Mike had placed a gentle hand her back, but it now turns rough, gripping her waist. "Hey! Hey, come on!" His voice is hazy, barely even there and he shakes her body, trying for her eyes to open.

The explosion in the background illuminates the walls in a tainted orange. He had managed to drag her away enough from it for neither of them to get hurt.

"This is not funny if you're messing with me." Mike states and his other hand goes to her cheek. Wearily (Y/N)'s eyes open and she starts coughing. When the two had started to run from the fire, she lingered a crucial second behind.

"Oh thank god." He breathes, leaning back on his heels.

"Micheal Munroe, showing actual emotions that don't end in sex." (Y/N) jokes. She had pulled her leg up, her hands crossed over her stomach. From where she had fell, there was now blood in a patch on the side of her head, matted into her (H/C).

"Is that what you think I'm all about?" He questions. Looking up at the ceiling, she's quite shocked he didn't respond in a witty remark.

"Oh, we're having a heart to heart now." (Y/N) continues and he doesn't say anything. She taps her stomach, titling her head to find him sitting against the wall, staring intently at her.

"You're the guy at school, who -" She stops herself, sitting up with a groan. "Who's class president but can get with any girl he wants - and probably has."

Mike's hands were linked, hanging between his knees. He listens to what she says, never knowing this was how people viewed him.

"And then you get with Emily, who you then bin off for another girl." (Y/N) concludes. "Please, forgive me if I've never liked your cocky attitude."

He takes a stand, holding out his hand and she looks up at him. Clearing his throat, he nods his head down the tunnel. Rolling her eyes, she takes it and he hauls her up, letting her stumble slightly into him.

(Y/N) takes in a breath, asking the question that had burned on her mind since it was brought up. "Is it Jess?"

Mike smiles, taking a piece of her hair between the knuckle of his index and middle fingers. He strokes her cheek, pulling it across to tuck it behind her ear. "No. It's you." He let's out in a breathy whisper.

Regaining who she was, (Y/N) grabs his shirt, pulling his head down to her lips. "I'm out of your league." She mouths, so quietly that it is only captured by him slightly.

The (E/C) steps back, an innocent look on her face and he laughs, crossing his arms. "Wow. I admit that and that's all you have to say."

(Y/N) lets her facade slip, not really having planned how to deal with this. She starts by ignoring it, making her way down the darkness and Mike is quick to follow.

"No hug? No kiss or a 'oh Mikey, I feel the exact same way." He gushes, fanning his face and she clicks her tongue.

"Grow up."

The bickering continues throughout the maze of underground tunnels. Stopping at a door and Mike shoves himself into it. "I just don't see why you can't admit you feel the same."

"We're going back to this?" (Y/N) mumbles and he stops, realising the door was locked.

"Yes, actually, we are because -"

She shushes him, turning her attention to a grate on the wall. She looks through the bars to find Sam tied up in a chair, wearing nothing but a towel and her eyes widen.

"Sam. Sam, wake up!" (Y/N) calls, Mike beside her and the teenager in the chair squints, waking up. She looks down at the pairing, confused.

"(Y/N)! Mike! Is that you?"

"Get over here!" Mike waves and Sam pushes her weight on the spinning chair, making her way to the grate.

Her wrists come down in front of the grate and (Y/N) takes the machete, cutting the bonds. "Hurry!" Sam whispers and the machete is passed through, cutting the ones at her ankles.

"Damn those things were tight." She mutters, pushing the chair away and kneeling down.

"I don't understand. How did you two get here? How did you find me?"

"There's some fucking maniac up here on the mountain-" Mike states and she rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I've noticed."

"He lives in this like, web of tunnels. We were down there trying to get out and then found this grate and saw you." (Y/N) explains and Sam realises the state of Mike.

"Oh my God your fingers!"

"Yeah, and I'm the lucky one..."

"Jesus... Where's- where's Jessica? She's not with you?" Sam questions and Mike side eyes the girl next to him, who looks down with unrelenting sadness.

"Jessica is dead." (Y/N) admits, the pain evident in her voice as she holds back the tears.

"He killed her, Sam. There's some maniac on the mountain who is trying to kill us. All of us. And I swear to God, when everyone is safe and accounted for I am gonna hunt that fucker down and rip his Whoa.

"Listen, this guy who you're talking about, he attacked me. He showed me these videos, too, and one of them showed Josh being killed... just... ripped appart by this huge fucking sawblade."

"Jesus Christ." (Y/N) gasps. "What the fuck is going on around here..."

"There's a door here, it won't open. Can you unlock it from your side?" Mike questions and Sam nods, standing back up.

She grabs her backpack that is hanging on the doorknob, and goes outside to the door. She removes a wooden plank across it and opens it up to the two, who give her a weak smile.


"Jeez. You both look like hell." Sam says and Mike raises an eyebrow. "Nice to see you too."

Sam goes over to the other side of the room and puts her backpack down, making him frown.  "What are you doing?"

"Well actually, the towel didn't turn out to be the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs, you know? Do you mind? Mike?"

(Y/N) pushes him to face the wall, doing the same. "Oh. Right. My bad." He mumbles and she shakes her head.

"Okay. Done. Let's put this thing to bed." Sam says, joining the two and (Y/N) nods in agreement. "Amen to that."


"I can't! I can't decide!"

There's screams coming through the wall and Sam purses her lips, worried. "What was that?"

"Is that crying?" (Y/N) adds.

The three force the other door in the room open, revealing the scene of Ashley and Chris tied, sitting at a table. The maniac approaches them, donned in a blood-stained jumpsuit and a mask.

"No! No no no! Get away!" Ashley screams, sobbing.

Chris shoots at the psycho three times, with only him looking down at his chest to find nothing.

"Oh Chris... Oh, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris." His voice was distorted as he turns in disappoint.

"What the fuck?" Chris exclaims in disbelief and the man holds out his arms. "Oh you've heard of blanks before. I mean really?"

The trio had made their way into the room, all eyes on the maniac as his hands reach his mask. He slowly pulls it off, revealing himself to be a grinning - and very much alive - Josh.

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