Chapter Seventeen

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"Son." My father suddenly snaps me out of my my thoughts, which revolve around my sister. "Yes sorry." I reply as my gaze meets my father's. "Look." He points to the crystal ball that shows my sister and that guy walking through the woods. "Where are they going?" I ask never taking my eyes of the ball. "There pack; the Midnight Moon pack are in trouble. They've been captured by someone." He states firmly. "I'll get the best warriors ready." I nod and take off. "You will make a great King."My father states with pride. I smile and exit the room. 

2 hours later...

I'm walking through the woods with my 20 of my best warriors. Casually following my sister scent. I wonder if she's realised. I wonder where she's going. All these questions which are still yet to be answered. 

Katy's POV

Here we are, Drew and I trying to bring our pack and family back. I am still the beta and I will stop at nothing until the pack and my family are safe. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a twig snap. I was on alert, for anymore sounds. Drew must've heard it to, because I could tell he was on alert to. I sniffed the air and I instantly knew who it was. The woodsy scent mixed with cinnamon. It's Kevin; will the guy stop stalking me already, why doesn't he get that I don't need his help. I let out a growl unknowingly. Drew stiffened at my growl. "Sorry." I shrugged. Drew came closer and snaked his arm around my waist pulling me close to him, 

Then a growl came from behind us. "Hey Kevin." I said not bothering to turn around, I just kept walking with Drew right next to me. "Drew let's shift, we know where were going. It'll be faster and easier." I state. He nodded and shifted into his jet Black wolf; Drew is a strong powerful wolf after all he has alpha blood in him. I shift into mine, I could sense Kevin and his warriors shift as well. 

'Go away.' I growled at Kevin. 'No can do.' He playfully growled back. 'Why are you following me?' I asked clearly frustrated.  'As your twin brother it's my job to protect you.' Kevin stated proudly. I didn't see what he had to be proud of. 'You did a mighty job at that.' I growled. Kevin whimpered in return, I'm glad he understood my reference. 'Katalin please I'm sorry after this I'll do anything just to get your trust back. I'll tell you my side of the story as well, just please give me a chance.' Kevin begged. I gotta admit I was pleased with him; my brother cared. 'Okay Kevin.' I replied and howled with happiness. 'Now let's get going.' I added through the wolf link.

I sprinted through the woods, with Drew, Kevin and the warriors trailing behind me. I push my front paws further and further each time in hopes to save my family. Please don't let it be too late Moon Goddess. I beg silently in my head. 'Don't worry sis, we'll save your friends.' Kevin replied. 'Okay number one, how did you read my mind? Number two, family not friends.' I say through the link while still pushing my front two paws to go further. 'I'll explain all in good time.' Kevin says whilst trying to sound mysterious. Let me say it's god damn frustrating. 

After running for what seemed like years, we finally came into view of the fuckheads house or prison. Or whatever the hell you want to call it. Time to attack; without a plan.

Jordan's POV

Hear I am sitting in a freaking cellar with my half-mate, while my pack members are being beaten up. Words can't explain how disappointed my parents would be if they were still here, I couldn't even protect my pack. What kind of alpha am I? If we ever get out of here, I will be having a hard think about wether I am still capable of being alpha of the Midnight Moon pack. First I need to figure out how to get out of here. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when a loud door slammed shut. 

Heels began clicking on the ground, it was the girl. She came into view of mine and Megan's cell. "Well well well. If it isn't the Midnight Moon packs Alpha and Luna." She snickered. "What do you want from us?" I spat. "Two things. Number one, your pack gets handed to my mate and I. Number two, I want that Royal Wolf killed." The bitch herself asked. "Does your so called 'mate' even know what your really like? Or what you and your brother are up to?" I once again spat in disgust. "Don't question me. Hand me your pack and let me kill that Royal Wolf freak that I have to call a cousin." She smirked evilly. "When hell freezes." I replied. 

No way in a million years would I one: hand my pack over, and two: give up my second chance mate. I'd rather die then give up my mate or my pack. Who does this girl even think she is? Wait till Katy and Drew find out, then we'll see who's going to smirk with satisfaction. I'm just praying that Ashton is ok, the poor 5 year old must be so scared and no one will be there to help him, he could be taken and killed by rouges for all I know.


I've got fucking writers block! And it's pretty damn severe! SEND HELP!




- Strictly Confidential 

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