Chapter Twenty

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Katy's POV

"What's happening Drew?" I asked dumbfounded about this whole situation.

"Katy, I need you to listen carefully. You're fighting an internal battle; good vs bad. The more you get pissed and angry the more you'll give in to your bad side. If you stay happy and positive you good will win. It's extremely important your good side wins because it doesn't you-you'll uh die." Drew cupped my face and placed a kiss on the crown of my head.

I nodded trying to process the information. I just have to remain positive, that isn't to hard.. right?

Maybe I should get away from everything, but then again I just got my family back.

"Where is everyone?" I tried to forget the topic.

"Come on." Drew offered me his hand which I gladly excepted. I got led down stairs and into the living room. Where I saw Jordan, Hayden, Alex, Ashton, Lori and Megan.

"Hey there sunshine." Hayden smiled and ran up to me. I opened my arms and pulled my best friend into a hug.

"Mummy!!" I hard Ashton yell. I let go of Hayden and knelt down, ready to catch Ashton.

"Hey little man. I have missed you so much." I stroked the back of his head.

"Me too mummy. Please don't leave again." I pulled apart and cupped his little face into my hands.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

After saying my 'hello's' to everyone I finally say myself onto the couch. Ashton remained in my lap while Drew sat next to me and wrapped a protective arm around me.

"Fill us in with the details Katy." Jordan spoke.

I took a deep breath. "Okay so, my whole life has pretty much been a lie. I found out who my real parents are: aka the 'royals' are my family and they gave me away to the now dead Daniel and Mariah, because I was too 'strong'. I met my real family: Torent who is my dad, Atlanta who my mum and Kevin who is my brother, and my name it actually Katalin and not Katy. I also found out that I control all the elements. Fire, water, earth, air and spirit. I killed Luke and now I'm fighting an internal battle with myself. Apparently I have to stay positive and happy in order for my good side to win. I have no idea how this whole internal battle works; I'm still trying to figure it all out. All I know is that if I turn evil then I die in a couple of years." I shrugged and said it like it was nothing.

"Whoa." Jordan and Hayden said in union.

"Mhm.." I hummed.

"So Luke isn't a threat anymore?" Jordan asked in a stern voice.

"Nope. Although don't get to comfortable because Amber and Zach could attack any second not that there strong enough. But just to be safe." I responded.

Kevin's POV

"How did it go?" My dad asked me impatiently.

"Good. She know's about the internal battle. Although she doesn't know how it works." I answered.

"I will have a word with Theo." Dad mumbled. Theo is my dad's beta, he know's how to read the future and he can see what is happening in the present time through a crystal ball. My dad makes Theo call him 'Master', moon goddess knows why. Funny thing is Theo hates him. Theo's been more of a father to me then my biological dad ever has.

"Dad, she's beginning to warm up to me, I think she's starting to trust me." I said happily and proudly.

"That's great. Under no circumstances are you allowed to tell her about the one thing that we must hide from her. Is that understood Kevin?" My dad's stern alpha voice boomed.

"Yes alpha." I bowed down.

It pisses me off, that I can't tell my sister the truth about the past/ Everything that my sister has a right to know, she can't. It's not fair on her.

I shook my thought away. I can't wait to see Katalin again. I want her to trust me, I want to be the protective older brother that she never had. I want her to be happy, I want her to feel safe. Most importantly I need to make sure she doesn't leave the country. If she does, man is her life going to get even more complicated.

I can't wait to me meet my nephew, Ashton. I want to be the uncle that spoils him. I want to be the uncle that trains his to become a strong warrior.

First things first though. I need to talk to Katalin, tell her about his battle and get her to trust me. She needs to understand that she won't survive without me. I just wish I could tell her why. FUCK!!

Unknown POV

I must kill. It's all I've ever wanted to do to her. I'll train hard. I'll follow orders; I'll do what ever it takes to take her down. She may have got me before but I've changed. I'm not bowing down, I'm killing her. I'll make sure she looses that internal battle. She's the Royal wolf for god sakes, shouldn't she have known what's happening. Why didn't the Moon Goddess make me the Royal wolf instead. She's always taken everything away from me, she's always been the lucky one who got the perfect fairy tale ending. Not this time, this time I'm taking everything from her; this time I'm going to make sure she has the worst ending, and I know just how to do it. I'll make her suffer, I'll show her pain. I don't care if you was abused when she was young, she's about to get it a whole lost worse.

Watch out Katy because you have something big coming for you. Something that you'll never expect. I am going to be your worst nightmare. You can consider yourself as good as dead dear Katy, or should I say princess Katalin.

I smiled my evil, dark smile.






- Strictly Confidential 

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