Chapter Thirty-Six

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Katy's POV

He bought me back from my dark dark times. Not long after he sent me back to the dark times.

My paws weakened and it felt like I was going to pass out. I stopped running, and stopped near next to a lake. The very lake I was found at, the lake I loved to visit before I found out I was the Royal Wolf, the lake I came to before my life became shit. I stayed in wolf form and laid on the grass.

I started to close my big electric blue eyes, when I heard an alpha's howl. What does he want now?

'What?' I asked bluntly.

'WHERE ARE YOU!?' Jordan yelled through the pack link.

'Safe.' Was all I said and cut the mind-link off with everyone.

I closed my eyes just to relax my body, I knew I couldn't fall asleep I'd give in to the dark side and die if I did. Actually dying doesn't sound like a bad idea right now.

Fuck this cruel, cruel world.

2 Hours later 4:30pm:

I opened my eyes and saw it wasn't that dark. I opened my mind-link immediately.

'Katy?' Jeremy asked.

'That's me.' I replied.

'Where are you? Please it's just me no one else, I just want to make sure your safe.' He pleaded.

'I'm near a lake, it's towards the end of the pack territory. I'm sure you've seen it.'

'Coming now.' He rushed out and blocked out his link.

A couple minutes passed and I was Jeremy's chestnut wolf emerging from the trees.

He shifted behind the tree and pulled on a pari of basketball shorts. I shifted into my human. I sat peacefully on the grass and Jeremy sat himself next to me.

We both stared into the depths of the lake.

"Do you always come here?" He asked.

"Not always." I lied, I mean let's get real; I don't want anyone to know where I 'always' come to get away.

"Why did you run?" He asked changing the topic.

"Three words. Jordan and Julie.." I sighed. "As soon as Julie entered the house, it's like Ashton didn't exist, and neither did I, his mate. I don't want Ashton to grow up without a fatherly figure. I mean I get it I really do; she's his biological daughter. It was hard enough agreeing to her moving in, Jordan forgetting about us was the thing I was most worried about. I knew he would've forgotten us. And it's only been like 3 hours since she came."

"I don't think anything I say will make you feel better, because honestly theres nothing to say, besides he was and is an idiot. Katy look don't forgive hi, but come back to the pack house, he's going crazy without you. He's destroyed almost every unoccupied guest room. Hayden, Tatum and I stopped him from destroying your room, thankfully." Jeremy trailed off. "But come back, and besides you can't sleep without his presence you could... you know-" Jeremy was about to finish his speech...

"Die." I finished off his sentence.

"Yeah that." He sighed bobbing his head down.

I sighed before agreeing on my own terms. "Fine, I'll come back but in an hour. I still need time."

"Fine by me." He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." He mumbled against my ear.

I smiled and pulled away. "Now go."

"Fine, fine. Bye Katy, thanks for trusting me." Jeremy smiled as he stood up.

1 Hour later 5:30pm:

The pack house came into view, I shifted into human form and approached the steps. As I was about to open the door, the double doors flung open. A very pissed off but happy 'if that's even possible' Jordan stood there. He pulled me into a hug, I didn't return it. I couldn't.

"Get off me." I pushed him away. He looked hurt.

I side stepped him and went into the backyard, with Jordan calling my name. I saw Ashton playing with some pack kids.

"Hey Ash." I smiled scooping him into my arms.

"Hey mummy." He said kissing my cheek.

"You hungry baby?" I asked.

Right on que both our stomachs growled. I hadn't even realised I was hungry, but now that I think about it I am starving.

"I'll take that as a yes. Let's have dinner." I chuckled. I started moving towards the sliding doors. Jordan was waiting for me. I walked past him, brushing him off and pretending he wasn't there. I did exactly what he did to Ashton and I.

"Katy wait." Jordan yelled after me.

Ignoring him, I paid full attention to Ashton. "What should we have Ash?"

"Hmmm.." He hummed, his face showed pure concentration. "Mummy I don't know." He finally replied.

"How about pizza? There's frozen pizza in the fridge, we just have to put it in the oven." I heard Jordan's voice from the doorway.

"YES! Mummy can we?" Ashton asked, he looked adorable; how could I say no to that face.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Do you mind making two? You know for me and J-." He cut himself off.

"Julie?" I cocked a brow.

"Uh yeah." He replied rubbing the back of his neck.

"Make it yourself." I smiled my best sarcastic smile.

"Katy I'm sorry, I was just so caught up. I forgot about everything, I was just happy to have my daughter." He sighed.

"You just don't shut up do you? You never know what to say, because your a coward. This is what I was worried about. You forgot about Ashton and I as soon as 'your' daughter entered the house. I don't want someone like that around Ashton. Yes I want him to grow up with a father, who will always be there for him. Yes call me selfish but I don't want to loose you to someone else. You've bought me back from my though times, and today you sent me right back to those thought times. You were willing to forget about Ashton and I for your daughter. She maybe your daughter but 1. she isn't mine, and 2. Ashton is your son, and whether you like it or not you are my so called 'mate.' If you want your daughter to be your first priority, reject me. I can handle the rejection; I've had worse. I'll find someone, someone who won't forget me when a shiny new toy shows up. I'll find someone to be a father to Ashton." I yelled frustrated. Jordan looked completely taken back.

"H-how can you say that? I can't believe you just said that. You my own mate. I know I fucked up bad, but finding someone else? I love you Katy and it was a mistake I was so in the moment. I would never find someone as amazing as you. Yes Julie is my daughter and she is my priority, but so are you and Ashton. Please don't say that I love you so much Katy, I don't want to be with anyone besides you. You are my everything. Please." He pleaded, he looked like he was on the verge of tears, and in all honesty so was I. I wanted to hug it out, but I couldn't I just couldn't risk it. I know I'm being stubborn but I can't help it; he basically chose his daughter over Ashton and I! All I wanted was to be equal.

"I can't forgive you." Was all I said before I grabbed Ashton and ran upstairs into Ashton's room.






- Strictly Confidential

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