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To Ophelia, the man standing in front of her looked nothing like the paparazzi picture of Sebastian Morgenstern, but at the same time, the two men seemed to bear some resemblance.

The man in front of her had golden hair and bright blue eyes, like the typical American white boy. But he was only partly American. Ophelia herself, was partly American.

Apparently the siblings' mother had been German along with their great-great-something grandfather, which really explained Ophelia's new last name.

The man in front of her, who had introduced himself as Blake Morgenstern, seemed nothing like Sebastian.

Blake seemed charming. His heartwarming smile tempting strangers and acquaintances to reveal their mysteries, whereas with Sebastian's calm and judgmental demeanor along with the combination of strong watchful eyes, the other party couldn't help but divulge, whether or not it was done willingly.

Or at least that was what Ophelia felt her eldest brother must be like.

After Blake had cleared up the questions and issues regarding Ophelia's guardianship, her foster parents had to finally let her go, with the social worker as a witness.

Ophelia's mind had been raging with a million questions as her brother had closed the car door behind her.

Why had he come now? Why was he so adamant on taking Ophelia back if she was given up in the first place? Why was Ophelia given up in the first place?

Was she making the right decision by leaving the home she had known for years to go live in a home she didn't even remember?

But the question that bothered her the most was whether she will be safe?

Blake was nothing like Sebastian.

For starters, he had kept smiling at Ophelia with a sad glint in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that his baby sister was standing in front of him.

At one point Ophelia considered punching him in the face to erase his doubt, but she had quickly discarded that thought.

Then, he had kept asking if she was okay, if the seat was comfortable enough and to ask him for anything with any hesitation.

Blake hadn't talked much after the take off, he had busied himself by work and had been very vague about Ophelia's questions.

How old are you? 25.

How did you find me? Records.

What do you do? Help Sebastian with business.

Do you have a girlfriend? No.

Do you have a boyfriend? *chuckles* No.

Why did you get me now? *shrugs*

Why was I given up? You weren't given up.

Then why was in a foster home instead with my brothers? *shrugs*

His shrugs had agitated Ophelia, making her want to punch him in the face. But she had quickly composed herself by remembering Mr. Hall's words.

Deep breaths, Ophelia. Deep breaths. Remember, they always work. Just because you feel like punching someone doesn't mean you can punch them. Instead just imagine punching them, that should do the trick.

It did the trick. Ophelia had been calm in seconds. She had anger issues, but nothing major, just enough for her to see Mr. Hall, the counselor at her now previous school, once or twice a week.

Ophelia remembered the first time she was sent to his office. Sidney had been bullying Elena again because she had two fathers.

A pretty basic second grade move to tease someone about their gay parents in highschool. Either way, even after being warned many times by Ophelia, Sidney had kept on teasing Elena.

It was safe to say that Sidney had to get a nose job done and Ophelia had to serve detention for almost one month along with counseling from Mr. Hall.

It hadn't been the first time Ophelia had been involved in a physical fight. Before Sidney, there had been Jack, who had been a straight douche bag to Ophelia after she had rejected his advances.

Jack can no longer procreate.

Gayle, who had disrespected their sweet health class teacher. Gayle had to take money out of his college fund to reset his jaw. Kevin, a homophobic jock who had bullied Aaron because he was gay.

Kevin had to spent three weeks on a hospital bed because of a broken leg. One gets the idea.

Ophelia was not a forgiving person. She held grudges and was even petty when she wanted to be. She disliked unfairness and held severe hatred for liars.

Her being the way she was made Ophelia think of how she was going to survive this big change in her life.

Living with brothers who had no idea who she was and whom she didn't know.

Whatever was going to happen, Ophelia just had to make sure to not lose herself along the way.

i tried a third person pov.

idk it seemed to fit better if you guys feel weird with it i can keep switching between 3rd and 1st person.


here's the first chapter!!!

im so excited to share this story with you guys ahahdkahcjbd.


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