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Knowing that her eldest brother was the klutz of the century as a child gave Ophelia a sense of power.

As the siblings had sat on the floor of the theatre room, watching videos and pictures of a baby Lia and a younger set of the Morgenstern boys, Lia got to know each one of them even better. She’d discovered much to her shock that as a child, it was Nico who was the outgoing and hot headed one and Lucas who was shy and an introvert.

She didn’t know the reason of such a drastic change in their personalities, but she had suspicions about something to do with her. Nevertheless, she didn’t ask. Instead she saw how mischievous the ‘Diaper Gang’ was when they were all younger. 

Smaller versions of the twins, Ophelia, Elijah and Harry was what made up the Diaper Gang. With Ophelia as the mastermind and the boys as the implementors, the little girl had often played the role of the darling sweetheart she was to her father and older brothers. From talking them into giving more sweets before bed to persuading them to fall into a trap set by the others, Ophelia had done it all. 

She was mesmerized by her younger self, by just how she fit in with the others. Like then, whenever she felt like, she would rush over to her eldest brother and claim his chest as a soft pillow to sleep on. Or how she would often mess up Blake’s school work so he could give her the attention she deserved. 

Ophelia couldn’t even think about doing such things now. She now knew better than to mess with Blake’s documents, she had learned her lesson to mind her own business and she knew proximity with Sebastian was something that would always be awkward between the two. 

She learned many childhood stories about herself, and she learned many things about her brothers. Like how Michael hated tardiness, or how Daniel loved being tardy to annoy the crap out of his twin. Lucas wasn’t a fan of Queen, which had horrified Ophelia to no extent. 

She had learned the reason Nico chose to become a doctor was because he wanted to help people in any way he could, Ophelia didn’t need to ask, she just knew that the death of their mother had pushed his ambitions, and to that realisation Ophelia had given him a big hug, and to this Blake had complained about. 

She even got to taste wine for the first time. When she saw that it was red wine that Sebastian was drinking, she had pestered him to no end. 

“Oh come on! Pleasee,” Ophelia had begged. Sebastian had rolled his eyes a million times before giving in, saying, “This is the very first and last time you’re even tasting an alcoholic drink. You’re not allowed until you’re 21.” 

Ophelia mentally wished that her eldest brother would stay like this forever. She liked how he pretended to not care when he actually cared the most. He might’ve thought he had fooled her, but Ophelia knew the truth.

She had gotten so many gifts from her brothers and friends and Tony.

A set of five new books from Diana with Harry gifting her the tape his mother had recorded of the first time everyone had met a new born Ophelia. Elijah had gifted her a scrapbook which was filled with pictures and writings their younger selves had done during their time together. Ophelia had almost cried at the memories. 

The twins had made her a new shelf for the books she wished to keep in her room to which Ophelia had laughed hard as she remembered the many books lying around in her bedroom like a massacre. Another thing Ophelia had learned about Lucas was how much good of a painter he was. He had gifted her the most beautiful portrait of herself Ophelia had ever seen. Nico had gifted her the custom made tote bags she had been eyeing at the mall since forever, to which she had given him another big hug. 

Blake had scoffed at the action, “I bet you’ll call me the best brother in the world after seeing my gift.” Sebastian had then rolled his eyes and smacked his younger brother’s head. “Ow! Okay, our gift. Come on, it’s outside!”

Ophelia almost did call Blake the best brother in the world when she saw what was waiting outside. 

“No way,” she gasped and looked at Sebastian, who gave her a shrug. "Everyone in our family gets one at sixteen, and since you weren’t here then we thought this would be a good year to give it to you.” Then Ophelia did the very last thing anyone had expected. 

She hugged Sebastian. And surprisingly he did hug her back, though the tightness in his shoulders was still there. 

“The Corvette is like a family heirloom. If you damage it, I will cut your allowance in half,” he threatened in her ear and Ophelia smiled against his shoulder, “I won’t ever damage the Corvette.” 

Though she was gifted many things she had desired, nothing peaked the gift Tony had given her. 

They were dancing barefoot in the kitchen as soft music that Ophelia was unfamiliar played in the back. Ophelia buried her face in Tony’s neck, inhaling the godly scent he had as his hands tightened around her waist, pulling her closer. 

He smoothed her white hair out and cupped her cheek, leaving a firm hot kiss on her lips that left her wanting more. But she knew he wouldn’t go that far. They'd had this talk in a very early time in their relationship, and Tony wanted her only when she felt she was ready. But he also had a condition. She needed to be legal. 

He didn’t care that Ophelia was a minor, but he didn’t want to consummate their relationship knowing that it would make him a felon in the country, and Ophelia had been more than accepting of that, partly because she knew she wasn’t going to be ready for sex any time soon. 

Tony kissed the corner of her lips and rested his forehead against her. He took in the sight of the girl in front of him. Her eyes closed as she cherished each moment as much as she could. “Lia,” he whispered against her lips and she hummed. “Open your eyes.” She did. 

And then as if on their own accord, with the bobbing of his throat as a sign of slight yet unsuccessful hesitation, the words came out. “I love you.” 

Ophelia pulled away, her eyes wide with shock. Tony gulped down his fear and took her hands in his own. “I love you Ophelia. I have since for a long time and I can’t keep it in me anymore. You bring out… so much in me Ophelia, you have no idea. I-” 

He was cut off when Ophelia pulled him down by his collar and kissed him hard on the lips. The pair got a déjà vu, their minds automatically travelling back to the time they had kissed for the very first time. “I love you too, Tony,” she breathed, and Tony’s heart felt heavy and full of emotion. 

Though that night, as Lia slept comfortably in Tony’s bed, she didn’t sense as he left the bed. She didn’t sense as he entered the bathroom.

Tony leaned on the sink and looked into the mirror. He couldn’t recognise himself anymore. Long gone was the Tony that had come to New York full of vengeance and bloodlust. Long gone was the Tony who had come back to fight a war that wasn’t even his to fight. Long gone was the old Tony. 

All Tony could see now, was the human he had become, was how soft and lively his heart had become. And how an epiphany struck his mind. 

All because of a white haired girl who was sleeping in his arms moments after he had decided to risk everything he’d had just so he could tell her the truth.


any theories you guys have about what "truth" tony is talking about?

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