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I skimmed through my locker one more time, mentally smacking for zoning out for the billionth time.

I blame Tony for this. 

Ever since he'd asked for my number a week ago, my mind has been bothering me non-stop about him. Not so innocent thoughts about him plaguing my mind wasn’t something I was used to, but having them in the middle of French definitely didn’t exactly make me an ideal student.

Also, the fact that Elijah asked to take me out again makes me feel guilty. I like Elijah, I really do. I can see myself falling in love with him and we wouldn’t need my brothers’ approval, well… we would easily get my brothers' approval. 

But. Tony. And his stupid and extremely beautiful self.

No matter how hard I try, he just doesn’t get out of my head. Whenever I go back to the library to get a new book, my first thought is whether he would like it or not, or if he’s ever read this one, and if he hasn’t, should I recommend it to him?

We’ve only texted once after him asking for my number, and that too was about him giving me the list of books he’d liked back in his high school time. 

His texts were sweet and in a way, formal. I didn’t like him being formal with me, but I saw the whole thing from his point of view. If any of my brothers ever found out about this, Tony would lose his head, and I’m fairly convinced that my brothers would do anything to keep me away from boys. 

I didn’t notice Diana looking at me as if I was a new, undiscovered species. I averted my eyes, knowing well enough how she would want to talk about the stupid smile on my face because of thinking about a certain green eyed man. 

But when she talked, she didn’t talk about the smile. She simply smirked and leaned against the locker beside mine, “So I saw a certain someone asking for another date.” I looked away, trying to hide my tinted cheeks. “You never told me how the first one went. Ooh did you guys kiss? Where did he take you?” 

I rolled my eyes at her excitement, “The ice skating rink at the Rockefeller Center and no, we didn’t.” Diana pouted and I heard Lucas groan from his locker, which happened to be opposite to mine. “Why not,” she asked. 

I shrugged, “I think he didn’t want to overwhelm. Or maybe didn’t want to overstep. I don’t know.” Diana gave me a knowing look, “Uh huh. And who’s the other guy?” I froze. “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I chuckled, miserably trying to cover it all up. 

Diana gave me a sly smile before leaning in and saying in a low voice, “I’ve seen my fair share of romantic comedies to know when the girl is thinking about two different guys.” I blinked. “And that little smile you had on your face, yeah that was definitely not because Elijah asked you for another date.” 

I blinked again. Not knowing what to say, I was about to make up an excuse but was saved by Lucas, who came up behind Diana and wrapped his arms around her waist. 

Diana purposely ignored him, her eyes trained hard on mine trying to get an answer but I smiled brightly at the interruption. “Well, looks like you’ve got your hands full. I’ll see in History,” I said and rushed off without waiting for an answer, mentally making a note to treat Lucas anonymously for the interference.

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