Chapter 3:Anger And Shopping

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Once Mason wrote his number and address on the paper for the teacher, he called Matthew back in and handed him the small piece of paper with his info on it. "Now that we got that out of the way, your tutoring will be starting today, so you'll be going with Mason back to his house to study. Understood?" The teacher asked calmly and softly, getting a silent nod from Matthew in return. "Alright. You both may go. Have a good day and I'll see you two tomorrow." The teacher said as he waved them away gently. Mason grabbed his messenger bag and softly pulled it over his shoulder, walking out softly and gently, Matthew following right behind him, getting a uneasy feeling from those red eyes burning into the back of his neck.

"Hey Mason! What did he...want." Cole started to say when he noticed Matthew behind Mason, making him grumble annoyed. "Why is he here..? Is he causing you more trouble?" Cole asked sternly and protectively, getting a glare from Matthew in the process. "No no he's not don't worry! The teacher made me his tu-" Mason started to say before he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, flinching and groaning in pain as he held the back of his head, feeling it sting and ache.

Cole was about to start yelling at Mathew when he interrupted him. "What the FAG was trying to say, was that I will be tutoring him for now on till his grade gets back up." Matthew growled out annoyed, already seeming fed up with everything as Mason just nodded, not wanting to get into a fight with him. Cole looked like he wanted to snap at Matthew and beat his face in when Mason quickly shook his head gently, telling him to calm down and not try anything.

Cole hesitated and huffed as he dug his fists into his pockets gently. "Fine. C'mon Mason. We have grocery shopping to do." Cole said with a gentle smile, making Mason smile and happily go over to him with Matthew silently following them, unamused. "I think I might stop mowing lawns for now, so I can focus on cleaning the house for a while." Mason said softly with a smile. Cole raised a eyebrow slightly, finding it confusing and surprising. "Wait really? You sure though? I thought you needed the money?" Cole suddenly asked confused. Mason hesitated for a second, before sighing and looking at him softly as he pulled his gloves out of his bag gently. "Let me explain."


"Really?!" Cole asked shocked, quickly getting hushed by Mason. "Yes! Now quiet down!" Mason whispered frantically since Matthew was still behind them. Cole winced when he realized he was loud and quickly nodded. "But that's crazy!! Is that even allowed??" Cole asked shocked and curiously. Mason sighed and ran a hand through his hair gently. "I don't know. But he wants me to help Matthew with his grades and to make him more docile somehow!! What does it seem like?! A story?!" Mason whispered yelled.

He was worried about what could happen if he couldn't do it, let alone having to try and figure out why Matthew was the way he was and try and get rid of those anger issues of his. "Well, look on the bright side," Cole said softly as they walked into the grocery store gently. "Your able to get groceries and hopefully some cleaning products! And there's a sale today too!" Cole said while smiling, which made Mason happy and relieved that there was a good side to this at least.

"Hey gay wads! Hurry the hell up!" Matthew growled out annoyed, getting glared at by Cole in the process. "Ya relax." Mason mumbled as he grabbed a cart as Cole grabbed a basket. "You take the brat. I'll get your meat for you." Cole said with a smile as Matthew yelled at him in the background. "Alright! Let's go Matthew." Mason said calmly as he pulled his gloves off gently before he pushed his cart gently as Matthew grumbled and growled at the order but followed. Mason opened his phone as he went through the grocery list he had made on the way to the store. "Bread...turkey..." Mason mumbled softly and gently to himself as he looked at the shelves filled with food.

"Why do you have such a shitty phone?" Matthew grumbled annoyed. Mason flinched, not realizing Matthew had gotten so close to him without realizing it. He straightened up slightly and stopped pushing the cart as he went over to the different kinds of read. "Because I can't afford one?" Mason said confused. "Really? That's kind of sad." Matthew mumbled while rolling his eyes. Mason grumbled annoyed slightly as he grabbed the cheapest bread as usual and put it in the cart gently. Matthew noticed his silence as he pushed the cart away from it's original place. "Why not just get a new phone? Or get the screen fixed?" Matthew mumbled annoyed.

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