Chapter 1: Grape

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Nat's POV

One word. Blip. I mean seriously, how cool is that word? It just seems to give your mouth a sense of joy when you say it. Like being tickled, or punched in the face. You just tried saying it, didn't you? I thought so.

Anyway, enough of blip. I'm here to tell you about my life. I thought I might as well write this, because I know no one else is going to read it. But I felt leaving the story unwritten would be a sin to mankind. As my story is fabulous. Just kidding. Seriously, you can't take a joke, can you! I suggest you leave then.

Also, if you dislike:

- One Direction  

- Taylor Swift  

- Jace Wayland (who is this?)  

- DUCKS - no, just kidding. NEVER TRUST A DUCK....  

- The names Amy, Hope, Grape or Natalie

then I suggest you leave as well. And just a warning, there might be a lot of strange, or made-up words along the way, such as kloppersquall, megamajor or the occasional cheese.

On with the story. I get distracted too easily.

How should I start it? Clearly not from the beginning of time. I don't have that many pages. I mean seriously, £2.40 should at least get you 100 pages of paper but no. The man behind the stupid yellow desk with peeling paint had to give me an 86 page notepad whilst chewing 2 week old gum.

See? Distracted again. I should mentally slap myself, but that is getting off topic. Again.

On the front page of this book, there is an information fillerouterer. So I better fill it out, for the sake of wasting time.

Name: Natalie | Amy | Hope

Age: 18 | 19 | 18

Height: 5"5 | 5"7 | 5"6.8974687964 (She's very exact)

Hair colour: brown | blonde | chestnut

eye colour: brown | blue | green


Well, my name's Natalie, one third of our crazy bunch. My other friends are going to be contributing to this book as well, especially when there's arguments involved. They just have to have each and every single side of the argument. Right? Haha, just kidding. I do that a lot...

I would attach a picture of myself to put in this as I'm not good at describing things that well. Maybe this book is good writing practice. Just to give you a fair idea, I have brown hair and brown eyes. Pretty boring, I know. But I'm me, and there's nothing you can do about it. Except maybe dye my hair and give me contact lenses... But that's getting off topic again. Grape always hates when I do that.

Grape is my self-obsessed, sometimes unknowingly mean and annoying friend. Technically, Grape is not my friend. She's my cousin. My parents always wanted us to be friends though, and kept convincing me that we would be best buds. It's annoying really, since Grape and I are complete opposites. I mean, seriously. She hates llamas. And I love them. I consider myself one, if you wanted to know. She likes tomatoes and continues to feed them to me in what she calls 'sharing', even though she knows I hate them. WITH A PASSION. They scare me... But the biggest difference of all, is she hates One Direction with a passion, whereas I love them and dream of meeting them. That probably won't happen though, as she is the richest of all of us and is probably the only one who can afford the tickets. That's probably why Mum and Dad wanted me to be such good friends with her! Just kidding, my parents aren't that nasty. But, in the end, sometimes she can be really nice. Especially when she lends me shoes.

But I seriously need to stop getting distracted. I gotta go.

Talk soon, journal.


There, that should do it. I closed the book, and hid it at the back of my pj's drawer. My watch said it was 5:25, and I had dinner at Amy's house in 35 minutes. It takes roughly half an hour to get to her house, so I better get moving. Hopefully my parents won't see me go out or they might make me take-

"Darling, where are you going?" Shoot. So close.  

"I'm going to Amy's house. Why do you ask?" Hopefully they won't tell me to-  

"Take Grape with you, Natalie." Double shoot. 

"But Muuumm, do I have to?" I tried pleading. 


"But she's so annoying!" Grape was staying with us for the holidays, as her parents were on some 6 star out of 5 cruise around the world.  

"I don't care, she is family. And your age." I wasn't going to win this argument. 

"Fine," I sighed. "GRAPE! You're coming with me for dinner at Amy's house. We are leaving in 5 minutes." At that moment, Grape came down the stairs, all ready to go. 

"But how- I mean, is it possibl- how did you get dressed so quickly?" I wondered. 

"Your Mum told me we were going to go to Amy's for dinner, so now I'm ready!" She looked fabulous too. She was wearing flats with a knee-high skirt and a purple tie/dyed mid-drift.

"You look nice," I said. 

"Thanks!" she replied. We headed out to the car. Today was my turn to drive, so I made my way to the drivers side of my blue car. I sat down and buckled in. 

"Grape, are you ready?" I said, looking in her direction.

"No, Nat can you help me please?" She was still standing outside of the car.

"What do you need help with?" I asked.

"I can't get in without scrunching up my skirt." I sighed, got out of the car, helped her in and then got back in the car. I started up the engine, and soon all we could hear was the smooth purr of the engine and the tyres against the road.

"It's too quiet," I said. I reached down to get my well worn One Direction CD, Take Me Home, and started to put it into the CD slot in my car, but I was soon stopped by Grape.

"I hate One Direction! Can we please listen to something else?" Grape pleaded.

"Fine." The traffic lights turned red, so I rummaged around in the middle compartment for my Taylor Swift RED cd. I found it, and asked Grape to put it in, as the lights turned green.

You are probably wondering why we call her Grape. Well, her craaazy parents decided to call their beautiful daughter Gerard. A boys name. She got sick of people being mean to her, so she came up with the nickname Grape, which was a ridiculous name, but she had chosen it and she didn't care if people laughed at her. 

20 minutes and a lot of bad singing later, we arrived at Amy's house. I parked and  we got out, me helping Grape out of the car again. I absolutely love Amy's house.

It has a curving driveway up to a small lawn next to the drive-way, then her house. The house is rustic on the outside, with brown bricks, then stairs up to her front door. From the front door you can see a bit of her backyard, and her dog Jamie barking, making sure we weren't strangers or criminals. There's a funny story to go with that, but I'll tell you that story later. For now, I have to remember how to open a door...

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