Chapter 2: Possibility...

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Authors Note: Hi everbody, thank you to Amy who basically wrote this whole chapter!!

Thank you for the votes and reads, it really means a lot!!

Enjoy Reading Amy's masterpiece xx 

Amy's POV

I somehow feel weird writing this down. I mean, I'm talking to a book. Well, I better make it good. And speedy. Hope and Natalie are due here any minute. 

Well, a few things i like are dogs , ONE DIRECTION- I have very strong Niall feels. I like chocolate and milk. Also chocolate milk.  What can I say? I like dairy products. They make me feel whole. 

I've known Natalie and Hope for a while, Natalie since pre-school. She's one of the people I can trust. I've known Hope for two years now but it seems like I've known her all my life.- okay. got the serious paragraph down. :)

One of the things I'm known for at school is being the klutz. I always tend to come home from school with an extra bruise..

The one thing- hahahaha 'you've got that ONE THING!!!' Anyways back to what i was saying.... The one thing I cannot live without is my Gavin and Stacey. Best televsion programs in the history of the world. Except if they ever made a One Direction television program. I'd have MEGAMAJOR breakdowns for weeks trying to find out which one I like better. Back to what I was saying-


Well to make things short, that was the doorbell and that means either Natalie or Hope is now outside my door. Hopefully not Natalie.l She's not good at opening doors....

Talk soon.

Amy xx 

"AMY! I know you're in there!" Natalie shouted through the door. I ran down the stairs from my bedroom to open the door to see not one girl, but two. Oh she brought Grape. Haven't seen her in a while.

"Grape! How are you! I haven't seen you in ages!" I gushed leaning down to give her a hug.

"I'm great! I'm a bit annoyed that my parents got to go on a cruise without me but I'm glad to stay with Natalie." She finished.

"Come in guys!" I ushered them in through the door. They were greeted by Jamison- my little nickname for my dog Jamie. He jumped on them and Natalie bended down and patted his head.

"How are you little buddy?" Natalie asked him. Naturally as he was a dog he didn't reply. I would have been amazed if he did.

"Do you guys want to come through?" Dad's outside grilling the chicken kebabs on the barbecue. Ever since he got that thing three weeks ago we have to use it at least twice a day. I swear he cares more about his gadgets then he does about his daughters!

I led them through to the dining table that I set with cutlery and plates an hour ago.

"Here guys take a seat and I'll go get Abbie from her room." I smiled at them and they smiled back. I ran to Abbie's room and banged on the door loudly and yelled through the door.

"ABBIE! OUR GUESTS ARE HERE GET DOWN NOW AND TURN THAT RIDICULOUSLY LOUD MUSIC OFF NOW!" I yelled over the loud music. Did I forget to mention that I have a younger sister called Abbie? She's 16 and EXTREMLEY annoying when I have friends over.

"Okay." She called back through the door.

I sprinted back downstairs to find my mother chatting with Natalie and Grape. She's always loved them. I wonder where Hope is-


That's where she is.

I opened the front door and Hope came bursting in and closed the door behind her in a hurry. She then sat against the back of the door laughing. Natalie came in to see what was going on.

"What happened?" I begged her.

"TELL US NOW!" Natalie exclaimed excitedly.

Hope calmed her giggles and started to tell the story.

"Okay so I see this hot guy walking down the street and I think to myself OH MY GOD HE LOOKS LIKE HARRY STYLES so then I run up to him and jump on his back and scream 'I love you Harry' and guess what? It turned out to NOT be Harry. So I just ran all the way here." She finished and burst into laughter. Natalie and I did too. Oh lord Hope.. Sometimes I wonder about you.

"Come on I think my Dad's almost finished cooking the food." I giggled all through that sentence.

They both nodded and sat down at the table in their usual spots. We have them round on average at least three times a week. We're always together for some part of the day.

"What do you want to drink Abbie." I asked her pouring Natalie and Hope their favourite drinks that they always have when they're here. Natalie has a tall glass of milk just like me and Hope has apple juice.

"Can I have some coke?" Abbie asked.

"Sure. " I threw her a can of coke.

"Okay everyone. Heres the food." Dad put the plates of meat and vegtables on the table and everyone dug in.

"This. Is. Amazing. Food." Grape commented.

"Thank-you Grape." My Dad beamed at her.

By the time we finished all the food (Which we did under about 20 minutes) Grape had something to tell us. By the look on her face she didn't look really happy about it.

"Okay guys I have something really uninteresting to tell you. I have a friend called Sandra who her mother is a friend of-"

"Okay please just skip to the point." Natalie said.

"That was the point. My friend Sandra's mum in a friend of Zayn Malik's mother and since their concerts are starting soon and Sandra might be able to get us tickets."


That was Hope's body hitting the cold tiles. She just fainted. Really Hope?

We picked her up again and her eyes were wide, full of excitement.

"Whoa calm down please I said might I don't want to raise your hopes." Grape stated, almost horrified by how obsessive Hope can be about her future husband. She's almost as obsessive as me!

"Like, really?" Natalie asked her cousin.

"Maybe." She replied, uncertain on what to say.

"I love you cuz." Natalie replied hugging her.

 "Girls who wants dessert?" My mother called.


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