Chapter 3: The Lookalike

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A/N: Thank you to the beautiful @HopeSilver for writing this part!

Hope you enjoy xx

Hope's POV

Ok, so why am I writing in the journal right now? I honestly don't know. Maybe I'm just weird like that. I write whenever I get the inspiration, even in the shower. But I don't exactly have paper with me then so I just write it on the fogged glass hoping that if I write it enough, the phrase will be etched into my memory. Apparently the shower is good for many things, like performing. 

Well, not performing but pretending to perform. That makes more sense. I think.

Well diary, technically I shouldn't be writing in the journal since I'm meant to be eating desert with Amy, Nat and Grape. Amy got way too hyper over desert so I should probably check if she's still breathing.

Oh! And that leads me to why I wanted to write in the journal in the first place. Grape. Just. Said. That. She. Might. Have. Tickets. To. See. One. Direction.

Dushdhsowydb. I think that sums up my emotions. Oh my gosh if we actually could see One Direction I would probably freak out! I wouldn't faint. Even though I kinda just fainted a few moments ago. But I would be determined not to faint in front of One Direction. That would just be embarrassing.

Anyway, I can't wait until I get to the end of this journal so then I can combine it with Nat's and Amy's. They have a journal exactly the same as mine and once we come to the last page, Nat's going to combine them somehow. I'm not sure how that will work but I think the pages can be pulled out and placed back in. Something crazy like that. I think.

But now I really have to go because I just think Grape started choking on her ice cream.

Write again soon,

Hope x

I snapped the journal closed and shoved it into my bag. Yep. If I was unsure whether Grape was choking before, now I was certain. Nat started trying the Heimlich manoeuvre futilely. I rushed over to Grape and helped Natalie stand her upright, rubbing her back as Amy called out to her mum. Nice way to start the evening. Really nice. Note the sarcasm.

Amy's mum bolted in, obviously panic stricken from the worry on her face. Grape's face was scrunched up in discomfort and if it had been a different non-life threatening situation, I probably would have laughed. I'm so mean.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and some bread from Amy's cupboard. I remembered one time I had been in language class when I was in primary school. We had brought in money for a mufti day and so I was bored and decided to place the coin on my tongue. We were all lying down on the floor and that's when I swallowed the penny. I wasn't choking but a teacher gave me some water and a piece of bread to help the coin down. I think the same would work with Grape, at least, I hoped so because I really didn't want to spend half the night in Hospital.

I handed Nat the glass of water and she gently lifted it to Grape's lips. Grape managed to shake her head, though she winced as she did so. I frowned as Nat continued to try and get the piece of food out of Grape's throat. Eventually Amy resorted to slapping her on the back.

Grape spluttered and lurched forward, her mouth parting as some ice cream was spat from her gob. She raised a delicate hand to her throat and I passed her the water. She sipped it eagerly, like a person deprived of water for ten days. I sighed when her face returned to normal.

"Oh thank goodness," I breathed.

Nat nodded. "My parent's would kill me if something happened..."

Grape kind of stared at Natalie incredulously, expecting her to re word her sentence. "So you're more worried about your reputation than the life of your cousin?"

"No! I mean, I was just stating the obvious... Ya know?"

Grape huffed and tucked a stray piece of her beautiful dark hair back. She was so pretty, unlike me... "Whatever."

A few tense seconds later Amy interrupted. "Soooo... You know that a silence of four seconds becomes awkward?"

"You just made that so much awkwarder."

"That's not even a word."

At that moment Nat, Amy and I burst into a fit of giggles. We were almost as obsessed with the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction as we were with the actual lads. I held my aching sides as laughter rippled through me. I swear I was laughing so hard that I ruptured a lung.

"Ugh. I'm surrounded by Directioners," Grape groaned, rubbing her temples

"Girls, how about you go outside? It's a nice night and Jamie might want to play in the garden!" Amy's mum called. Yet again in the kitchen. She was washing up - poor woman. I felt bad not helping like we usually did but ever since the last time... Well, let's just say the last time Nat, Amy and I helped with washing up, it didn't turn out nicely.

The four of us bound outside into the refreshing cool air. It's summer now in England and I'm so glad that we're on holidays. All three of us finally finished our A levels which was excellent! No more stress!

Grape sat down on one of the chairs out front whilst Amy and I ran around with Jamie. Nat started setting up the portable ping pong table which Amy got for her birthday a few months ago. For days on end we played matches - sometimes during our study breaks. At first I failed but now I could whip both Amy and Nat effortlessly.

Yeah... That may have been a lie...

Amy scooped Jamie into her arms as Nat asked, "Do you want to play a short game?"

I nodded and skipped over to the table, grabbing the paddle Nat threw at me just before I got a concussion. I spun around quickly to see if Amy and Grape wanted to play too, catching a glimpse of the road.


On instinct I fell to the ground and hid under the ping pong table, begging that I wouldn't be noticed.

"Hope, what are you doing?" Nat questioned, no doubt quirking an eyebrow.

"Shh!" I whisper-shouted. But it was too late. He had seen me. I let out a sort of strangled cry, like a mouse getting trodden on. 

The boy caught my eye then. His mouth opened and shut as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"Hope?" Amy was standing by me, peering down at me. I think she had noticed the boy. From my hiding spot I saw Amy look at the boy on the road. She released a knowing gasp. "So that's the Harry look-a-like. Hey! Hi Harry Styles look-a-like whose name I don't know!"

"Amy!" I hissed, my face darkening

Instead Amy ran down to meet him. I rushed out from under the table to follow her.

"Hmm," Amy analysed. "You do look quite a bit like Harry."

The boy gulped nervously and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead. I could tell we were embarrassing him and I blushed deeper. He caught my eyes again and I stared at the ground. I was wearing converse. Converses were awesome shoes... I loved them. They were-

"Actually, your jaw is wrong. Sorry, nup, no. You're not Harry Styles. GOODBYE!" Amy waved at the stranger as he raced down the street, probably to get away from the psycho girls. 

"Amy!" I shouted. "That was so embarrassing!"

Amy snickered and gave me a hug. "That's why you love me."

I nodded in agreement. "True."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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