17. Flammable Friendships

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I was really happy that Max didn't want to let go of the owls, but no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't come up with a solution to our problem. My ankle was not getting any better in such a short time, but Max refused to listen.

I gave up on trying to change his mind for now. We still had a week left to decide what to do, and I didn't want to spend our time together arguing. Thursday was a long and boring day. It was such a nice day outside! The weather was perfect to roam the forests, but no, we were stuck inside in the musty classrooms.

When the last bell rang, we all sighed in relief.

"Finally!" Troy groaned, slamming his books shut.

"I hate Thursdays," Max mumbled as he put his stuff away. "All these boring classes..."

"The weekend is so close I can almost taste it, but nooo! There's still Friday," Troy added.

I wasn't actually sad about having to stay in school one more day before the weekend, but I wasn't going to say that out loud. The reason why I liked being in school was that I got to hang out with the two of them. I didn't even dare to ask them to hang out with me outside school. Right now I wanted to ask if they'd like to come with me to the forest, but one, I didn't have the guts, and two, how I was going to walk in the forest with my crutches?

I'd had so much fun playing the video game yesterday with them, but neither of them were bringing it up, so... I guess I just had to go home and think of something else to do.

"We should go to the mall after practice," Troy suddenly suggested, and I almost got excited, but then I realized he probably wasn't talking to me.

To hide my embarrassment, I turned to grab my books and started putting them into my bag without saying anything.

"I suppose," Max spoke, and grabbed my crutches from the floor, giving them to me.

I gave him an appreciating smile. At least they still had their practice, so I could stay and watch it before heading home. "I've been reading about football. I think I understand it better now!" I told them, feeling proud.

"You've been reading about it?" Troy repeated my words as we started walking out of the classroom.

"Yeah – Max has been trying to teach me," I explained, getting all excited again. "I want to watch you guys play today! If... if that's all right, I mean..."

Oh goodness, why was I so embarrassing...?

"Sure!" Troy said without hesitation, bringing my mood right back up. "We both can teach you."

"Awesome!" I smirked.

"For your information," Max said, acting all high and mighty, "I am an excellent teacher who needs no help!"

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