10. Treehouses and Games (NEW)

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I was surprisingly nervous during the rest of the day at school. I'd never really tried playing video games before, and I was worried I'd only make a fool out of myself. I mean, Max and Troy were popular kids, and I was the lame nerd who got way too excited over squirrels. I'd never fit in, and if I now messed up, they wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore.

Honest to god, I tried not to let my insecurities get the best of me, but my experience of this place so far wasn't that great.

When the last class ended, my nervousness shot through the roof. I did my best to stay calm and not make a fool out of myself right on the spot. We were just playing video games. Just video games. They couldn't harm me. Just make me look like an idiot, but they couldn't harm me.

Besides, they had probably already forgotten that they asked me to come along...

"Ready to go?" Max smiled at me after he and Troy got up from their seats.

"Sure!" I smiled widely and grabbed my books from the desk before trying to follow him.

But he wasn't moving.

"You don't think you forgot something?" he asked with an amused expression on his face.

"Huh?" I turned around and immediately wanted to slap myself. "Just my entire bag..."

"You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders, huh?" Troy chuckled.

"I know right," I groaned as I packed my stuff in the bag. "But I wouldn't be surprised if I lost it, anyway."

They both laughed lightly at my words and checked the table in case I had forgotten anything else before gesturing for me to follow him. I was still super nervous, but this time, I was more excited. I wasn't really into video games, but I'd never tried playing something with friends. It at least sounded like a lot of fun.

"Should I go pick up some games or do you have anything interesting?" Troy asked Max after we left the classroom.

"I think I got some," Max replied slowly and turned to look at me. "Troy has a massive collection, so if there's a specific game you'd like to try, I bet he has it."

"I'm fine with anything," I said. "I really don't know much about games..."

"All right," Troy nodded. "I think Max has a few good ones, so we don't have to make detours."

"You remember what I have?" Max asked.

"Bro, you've gotten them all from me," he smirked.

A moment later, we got on the bus. I mostly just listened in to their conversation because they kept talking about their games and it was like they had started talking in a different language. Especially when Troy started talking about... Specs? Graphics? But for my defense, it seemed like I wasn't the only one who got lost when he used so many technical terms.

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