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June 20th 2021.
(1 year later)

I met a girl today.
Only problem was that she wasn't you, however it's a start and a start is great.

I met her at a grocery store, because I still live in that apartment that's been touched by you, everything that you had there it's still in place.
Everything that you kept, touched its all put where it belongs and haven't been touched since you left. The last to touched them was you.

My family still believe that I should move on, start meeting new people, i didn't want to meet new people at all. I wanted to shut off.
It's hard enough talking to Morgan and Kayleigh let alone another stranger at a store because we both went to get the milk.

I bumped her hand with hand, i managed to apologise because she seemed older then me. "It's okay, I'll grab another." She stumbled back and I got the milk then managed to put it into the trolley, all in while the lady was looking at me. "Can i help you?" I question her, it's weird that she hasn't even blinked since I apologised to her.

"No, no your good, I just think that I've seen you before."
"You haven't seen me before" I answer her...
"I feel like I know you" I hesitate. "You don't know me" I walk away before giving her a light smile. Maybe she has seen me before, but I haven't seen her and I found it weird that she kept staring at me.

But like I said, I assume it was okay and first try for everything. However, she came back. This time it shocked me, because somehow she knew my name. "Alexander right, yeah I do know you.  Your from Evergreen high right, your girlfriend died not to long ago." Ouch that hurt, didn't have to remind me.

"Yeah, how do you know all this. Wait, who are you?"
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off creepy, my names Claire and I work with your father." My dad, she knows my father, how the hell does she know about my personal shit if she only works for my dad.

"Your father talks... a lot." I sigh, not about him though, about me. "This sucks" I managed to say but she taps my shoulder. "I'm to personal sometimes, I apologise once again. I'm your fathers intern, he gave me an internship for my 18th." "Your 18?" Same age as me, wow! "Yeah, I know I don't look it, the amount of makeup I wear."

"Sorry, anyway it's nice to finally meet you" I take a deep breath, she smiles at me then walks away with her trolley. "Nice to meet you to."

See, thats why at the end of the day, it wasn't so bad, it was alright I guess. My first time in while that I've talked to someone to be honest.

So I decided then enough is enough.
I buy my shopping, go home and get ready, kids put to bed and chill.
Kayleigh and Morgan come over, with loads of junk food. "Thought we might need it" Morgan laughed, "indeed, come sit" I lay the couch besides me. "Thanks for inviting us over, i dont think I have even seen this place, it's nice," Kayleigh wonders around.

As she does, and Morgan rests up I can't help but think that I've been a tiny bit selfish towards them. They lost Ella to, Kayleigh and Morgan lost their best friend. If Ella were here right now, her and Kayleigh would be keeping to themselves and all me and Morgan would here would be them laughing. I couldn't actually put to mind Kayleigh without Ella, yet here i a, watching her just roam around the apartment.

"It's quiet huh, without Ella." Kayleigh catches me watching her. "Sometimes, it's more lonely when the kids ain't here, or when they're sleeping."

"So now then, because the kids are sleeping." Morgan teased and i nudged him. "Get on the couch Kay, the food won't eat itself." Morgan teased again and threw a bag of crisps over to her, we both laughed at how shocked Kayleigh was after she caught the bag.

The rest of the night, was nothing but eating junk food, talking about you and other subjects such as back when we were all in school. Me not being in college yet, whereas Morgan and Kay are, them forcing me to finally start college, even though I have thought about it, i cant.

Then, it ended with us watching movies such as Spider-Man and Kay fell asleep on Morgan's shoulder, so we decided then that it was time for them to go.

So they did, we said are goodbyes and after they left, I didn't clean up, I didn't turn off the tv, instead I sat myself back down on the couch and drifted off the sleep myself.

Love Alex.

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