Chapter 1

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AN: I have something to say, first, since I didn't get the story right there are going to be some new modifications. One is that Harry is gone and he's now Earth-Prime Wells. Second Flash and Speed Force now work together, and they're leaders. The two of them. Third, there's not going to be a chapter with the first three episodes of the Flash since it doesn't affect that much to the story of season 7 while season 6 of SG needs the first episode of SG.

Earth-Prime, Central City, Iron Heights

"You know the heroes are hypocrites? People say that they're great and they can't make any single mistake. But you know I was threatened by a hero... That hero told me that if I touch Supergirl or attack her once again I'll be dead. Does that sound like a hero? Yeah, I think so too, at first I thought he would do it. But then I remembered who he is, the same man that hasn't killed a human being. And today... the perfect plan I have will start... so be prepared Supergirl, and Flash,"

Keystone City, Hotel

"Kara!" Barry yelled from the inside of the bedroom.

"What's up, baby?" she answered in the kitchen

"Hey..." he walked entering the kitchen. "How's it going Scarlet Speedster?" she asked.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to check my Girl of Steel, since she wasn't in the bed with me," he smiled hugging her from the back.

"Well, I wanted to make some breakfast for my Scarlet Speedster, I hope he likes it because I made it with love,"

"It looks and smells delicious, better than Iris' breakfast," he whispered in the last part. She started to chuckle.

"It wasn't that bad..." Barry looked at her being serious.

"Really? Have you tried some breakfast of her,"

"Okay, I don't know why I have some memories of going to your loft and I ate some of her food... not that great, but I also made that type of food!" she answered trying to help Iris with not knowing how to make some food.

"I don't think so," he smiled and started to taste some food from the pan. It passed some time since he was tasting it.

"It's not that bad, I like it," the hopes of Kara started to rise.

"Well, I want you to teach me because my boyfriend is the best at cooking," Kara then rests her arms on his neck. The two stare at what felt like hours, but it was just five seconds. The two then kissed passionately feeling the sparks they had since the first time they kissed. After the two broke the kiss because they lost all the air. She sighs

"I hate this is our last day here at Keystone," 

"I hate that too, but I have a little gift for you at the end of the day," he said excitedly, making his girlfriend cheer with happiness.

"What is it?" She asks

"The surprise would be ruined if I told you something and don't bother to check the hotel it's safe on a lead box," he chuckled

"No fair!" She pouted, making Barry fall in love with her even more.

"I love you," he said kissing her and walking away to change his clothes

"I love you too, but you need to tell me!" She yelled

"Nope!" She chuckled and decided when Barry goes for something to eat she'll use her super-speed to check everything so she gets that gift. She was feeling so lucky to get someone like Barry. After everything, they went through all those years, of pushing her feelings away or trying with someone else even though she knew it wasn't meant to be. She is extremely happy and thanking Rao for this happened. *

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