Chapter 2

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Earth-Prime, National City, Lex's Secret Lair.

"See. Wow, the maid of might. What a surprise!" Lex started while he was talking with her mother celebrating their victory with champagne.

"We know you escaped out of prison and that you placed satellites all over the world, and when they sync out they'll send out a signal, killing everyone you haven't brainwashed," the hologram of Supergirl started

"What do you want? Goldstar?" Lex asked walking to the hologram while drinking more of his champagne.

"I want you to deactivate the satellites. You do that, and I'll give you what you always wanted," Kara continued

"And what's that? And don't say hair. That's low-hanging fruit," he argued while her mother was paying extreme attention to what the Kryptonian was saying.

"Me," When those words came out of her mouth the face of Lex changed to a serious one, intrigued by Supergirl's proportion.

"Well, that is tempting. I assume there's no strings attached, no trap, no attempt to outwit me. Or has the razzle of my immortality made you forget I'm the smartest man alive? Do you really think I'd fall for something so prosaic?" he finished

"I'm wearing a Truth Seeker, and I think your obsession with me outweighs your desire to kill half the world. I surrender. Name a place, and bring a way to disable the satellites," she said. "Any place?"

"As long as no civilians get hurt," he argued. Smiling he answered. "The Fortress. One hour. I hear it's beautiful this time of the year," Before the hologram disappears he finished.

"I'll send you the coordinates,"

The Antarctic, Fortress of Solitude

Kara, Barry, Lena, and Alex arrived at the Fortress, all the heroes having their suits on, they needed to hurry in case Lex arrives earlier than they said they were going to meet.

"There's a section of the armory that's just artifacts from the Andromeda Galaxy. The Jarhanpurium weaponry should be in there," Alex and Barry nodded and left to search for it Lena walked to a Kryptonian computer and started to search for something.

"I may be able to reinforce the anti-Luthor protocol it won't kill Lex now that he's immortal, but it might slow him down..."


"Kara, he's going to try and kill you," Lena argued

"All right? I won't let you turn this into a suicide mission. I can't. We've got no other choice. It's okay. I've come to terms with it. As long as you guys stop the satellites, and help everyone with the Myriad... It'll be worth it," Kara said to Lena. "When Lex comes, you're gonna wanna take the higher path, but you know him," He plays dirty. Mean," her friend nodded.

"Maximizing the pain, wherever he can," she added.

"Well, I was stuck in the Phantom Zone replaying the destruction of my planet for nearly a decade. Bring it on,"

"We should probably... Kara. I know it wasn't easy to trust me again, especially with Myriad..." Lena still wanted to say something so Kara still thinking Kara was angry with her.

"You're the only person in the galaxy I know would do right by it. C'mon," the two walked to see Barry and Alex who now had everything prepared.

"We got the weapon," Alex said, showing it. "I'll go get the Myriad," Lena said, she and Barry walked out of the room while the sisters had their talk.

"Have you done what we talked about?" Barry asked Lena outside of the weaponry room.

"I'm on it. Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to Kara,"

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