Chapter 4

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Earth-Prime, National City, Superfriends Base

"Hey sorry. I know, it was impossible to get away from William. He just could not understand what was more important than staking out the courthouse." Nia arrived at the main room of the base, Brainy was fixing a kind of a box, and Barry was looking at him to see what the box was and its function.

"Now is not the time to worry about William." Barry said, crossing his arms and looking at the young reporter

"He's right. Now it's time to train. The Phantom Zone is an environment, unlike one you've ever experienced. It will require the highest levels of your concentration to dream of Supergirl's location in there. Accordingly, I give you my Phantom Zone simulation, meticulously crafted from all known data about the Zone." Brainy continued, he then snapped his fingers, thanks to that half of the room turned into the simulator.

"Sensors placed around the room will record your dream energy." Barry added, amazed at what appeared in front of his eyes.

"Any fluctuations, distractions, emotional incongruences will trigger the Phantoms I've populated this training exercise with to attack you, just as they will do in the Phantom Zone." Brainy finished, Nia was looking at the place determined, ready to get her friend back.

"I got it. Just like the holodeck on NextGen." She smiled at Brainy, he just walked back to the simulator.

"Now, hidden somewhere in this simulation is my simulated Supergirl. Please close your eyes... and try to divine her location." Nia has done what they said to her, she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate and get the location, but then something came to her mind, that was a young Kara running while Alex was trying to catch her up, a big sign appeared. showing a "Midvale High School" out of nowhere a Phantom appeared, it was about to attack Nia when Brainy stopped it.

"Was that Kara and Alex in High School?" Barry asked looking at Brainy who was thinking what was that.

"What a surprising divination..." Brainy muttered, Barry tried to help Nia when she argued with Brainy.

"It's not a divination. It's a distraction Brainy." Brainy simply said. "Well, try again." That's when Nia had enough.

"I could barely find you when you were dying on the Leviathan ship. I thought maybe our relationship was what was clouding my powers. But maybe I just don't know what I'm doing. Without my mom or my sister, I don't have anyone to actually teach me how to interpret my dreams. And until I learn, I'm never going to be the hero I want to be." Brainy walked beside the two of them and kneel.

"I'm from the Legion of heroes, where everything we did was through the lens of Supergirl. Her virtue, her accomplishment, her drive. But you, Barry, and I... especially Barry, have had the opportunity to actually know her. And she's more than just Supergirl. She's Kara. She's our beacon through darkness. She's the example we all aspire to emulate. So, yes, you may fear that you will fail to live up to Kara's example." Brainy started, Barry just started to have some flashbacks from him and Kara, and all he wants to do now is be with her and cuddle each other and stay like that for a long time.

"But I'm here to tell you, in no uncertain terms, that you're not a liability to this mission. You are the reason it's going to succeed. If I may..." He finished by helping Nia stand up, which she accepted. "Now, let's try again." The two walked back to train some more, but Barry was just looking once again at the phone hoping that she's okay...

Phantom Zone

Kara was looking at her father, who was now asleep, for her, it was amazing to see him alive, but at the same time, she's so sad that for so many years he's been running away from the Phantoms. "I'm so sorry you were lost here. I'm so sorry you've endured what you've endured. But I'm going to help you find your way again. I'm going to get us out of here. I promise." She said out loud, but not trying to wake him up. She started to walk away from the cave, some seconds had passed, she slowly started to feel some pain in her head, her eyes turning into grey ones. She started to see a Phantom, holding her head she started to yell. Before she could close her eyes for a few minutes, she heard the voice of her father yelling "Get away from her!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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