7 | Love is hard

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"You are telling me that you don't want to fuck him?" Lyra is sitting beside me in my bed watching Magic Mike

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"You are telling me that you don't want to fuck him?" Lyra is sitting beside me in my bed watching Magic Mike. She had agreed to watch the movie with me if I later will go on a shopping spree with her. She feels like I need more clothes that aren't sweats and hoodies. "How can you not want to do him? He literally is stripping for you."

I prop another hand full of popcorn in my mouth. Lyra keeps her eyes focused on the abs and how they move their hips. "I have a feeling that you really didn't care to watch this movie. You enjoy this way too much for not liking it." She smirks at me before putting another hand full of popcorn in her mouth. "Sometimes you have to act like you don't like something even to you do."

I was quite good at that. I couldn't stop thinking about Carson playing with my snowflake necklace at the benefit evening. I knew that the alcohol was taking over me but I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on my exposed skin. I guess that is the reason why I wrapped my leg around him. And pulled him closer.

I even felt a bit disappointed when he left me alone in that corner. But the other part of me, the logical one, was glad that he decided to leave. I am quite sure that I would have regretted every single thing that would happen afterwards. I probably would have woken up beside him this morning and would feel bad about myself.

"Why are some of them so old but so attractive?" Lyra lays her head on my shoulder. We had never really hung out before since she is always partying. I am more focused on practicing in the morning and making sure I get all my assignments done. "It really does suck but you won't feel that. Or that is what I heard from other people."

Lyra her red hair is tickling my nose. I try to push it to one place but it is all over the place. She had come over earlier today since she wanted to talk with me. "Will you just tell me why you decided to come to my house? You have never done that before." She sighs while pausing the movie, just at the moment that they started to strip again.

She looks up at me and I could see the tears in her eyes. "I was kind of seeing this girl for a while now. But she heard a rumor that I hooked up with another girl at the benefit evening. She doesn't believe me that I did nothing but dance." I let my fingers go through her hair. Soothing her in the only way I know I could.

"I know that I have a past of random hookups. But I really like her and was willing to just give that all up for her. I loved going on dates with her and spend time together with her." I keep caressing her while she lets the tears roll down her face. "You deserve better than her, Lyra. She doesn't see how amazing you are. You were willing to give everything for her but she believes a rumor over you."

I kiss the top of her head. I had never been really good at comforting people. "Just know that I am here for you whenever you need me. I am well aware that we never really talked to each other before the party but I am here for you."

She lays her head on my lap while I keep caressing her hair. "Why does it have to hurt so bad?" I had no idea what to answer her. I had only been in a relationship once and it had been over before I loved him with my whole heart. "Loving someone is probably the most amazing thing in life. But also something that can be so hard to get over."

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