19 | Crazy in love

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It felt like the whole world is watching me

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It felt like the whole world is watching me.

Noah holds my hand tight in his while walking onto the ice. We had practiced every single day this week for hours to make sure that we knew every single step. He had not even once told me that I was being too competitive when I asked him to stay longer. Noah did everything that I asked him to do.

Carson had been the most amazing person in the world this week. He brought me food and drinks because he knew that I wouldn't step a foot off the ice to get something. I needed to prove to everybody and myself that I am capable of doing pair figure skating. I had to prove to myself that I am still good enough to compete.

"We got this, Lia." Noah held my hand while I kept my other hand high in the air. The ice rink is dark, not one person can see us. And they wouldn't for a good second even when the dance is starting. We wanted them to remember us tonight and that meant, finding something that has not been done before by any of the other candidates in this competition.

The music starts to play while I take another deep breath. I have to forget about all the worries about my mother and her wedding. I have to think about the good things in my life that are happening. I have friends who love me for who I am. I have a guy who is willing to do anything for me just to see me smile. I am the luckiest person in the world and nothing can break me at the moment. Not even my mother.

Noah holds my waist tight in his hands while turning around. I held my skate with my one hand while I kept my other one in front of me. I could feel everybody staring at us, waiting for the ending to be something so good that it would blow their mind. But we wanted to show them that something small also gets some people their attention.

Noah slowly puts me down while we hold each other. I could feel his lips at my ear. "Thank you for believing in me, Lia. I know that I haven't always been the best partner you could ask for. Or that you earn with so much talent." He has his arms around my waist while I slowly bend my back, letting my hair fall out of the bun.

The crowd is quiet. Everybody is staring at us while the jury gives their numbers to the counter. I catch myself trying to find Carson in the public who had promised me to come to the game as soon as he could. He first had to get something but he was going to come. And he did.

He is standing in the front row with all his teammates. They are all smiling at me but I am only looking at him. I would have never believed someone if they would tell me that I would be in love with Carson Logan. The guy that I couldn't stand any single bit in my life. But now, he is the most important person in my life.

I want to call or text him whenever something happens in my life. I want to be with him as much as I can. Hoping to spend time with him and just feel loved and good enough for once in my life. He makes me feel like the girl I am. He doesn't care about all the flaws I have, he even likes all of them. He proves to me every single day that he likes me for being me.

"You are an amazing partner, Noah. I could have never done this without you and your dedication to not leaving me." He hugs me before pushing me to Carson. He is holding fake flowers in his hands while all his teammates are smiling at me. "I had no idea that when you said, I am coming that you meant your whole team."

They were all holding a flower in their hands for me. "We are not going to lie here, Amelia. We were first a bit scared of you but we always believed in you. We always supported you, ask coach how much we bothered him whenever we knew you had a competition. He had to call your coach to make sure that we knew how you did."

"I didn't know that." They all gave me a flower and a hug. All of them are idiots who always bothered me on the ice but now, I feel like they are my friends. "You couldn't stand us for one bit in the beginning. We didn't want to bother you too much, thinking we are flirting with you."

"What we actually did when we first met you." Carson slaps the guy beside him that is unbothered by it. "I am not going to lie about that, captain. We all found, still find, her the prettiest girl we have ever seen at our ice rink." I could feel the tears rolling down my cheek. I could care less about winning this competition.

I finally have people in my life that love me, for me.


Carson is twirling me around in the parking lot. Every single person is staring at us but he could care less about that. He is kissing every single place of my face, ignoring all the stares of the people around us. "You are the most amazing person that I have ever met in my life, my love."

He slowly puts me down on the ground, while I keep myself steady at his shoulders. I could feel the whole world turning around me. "I knew that you would win this competition. They would have been blind if they didn't see how amazing you are on the ice." He puts the flowers in his car while I put my hands deeper in his hoodie.

I am wearing one of his hoodies that is oversized on me. You could barely see the dress I am wearing underneath it but I didn't care about it. The hoodie smells like him and that is all that matters to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and start to kiss his jawline. "I really don't deserve someone so amazing as you."

"But I am going to be selfish and still have you in my life." Carson chuckles, pulling me up so that I am piggyback riding him. He makes sure that my legs lock him before making his way over to our friends. It is weird to say our friends, but it is what it is now. I have friends and Carson his teammates are part of it now. "I actually had to ask you something before we get something to eat."

"Sure, we can get inside after them." He gives them a simple nod, making them all leave us alone. He slowly puts me down and holds my hands tight in his. "My parents called me earlier this morning that I should visit them. Could you maybe come with me? I really don't want to go alone."

He looks down at our hands, and I squeeze them tight. "I totally understand it if you don't want to come with me." I let go of his hand and push his chin up so he is now looking at me. "I want to go, Carson. I am glued to you from now on, didn't you know that?"

He chuckles while wrapping his arms around me. And before I knew it, we were slow dancing in front of the diner. "I hope you know that you are the best thing that happened to me. I want you to hold on to me for the rest of your life." I lay my head in his neck while rubbing his back. I could tell that he needed this hug more than me.

"I am crazy for you, Carson." He pulls himself away from me. He keeps both his hands at my cheeks while making sure that I am looking at him only. But what he didn't know, is that I always look at him. I am always looking for him in every single place in my life. "Remember when you told me that you would never go on a date with me?"

I could remember that moment vaguely. I had almost used his stick to slap some senses into him. He had asked me to go out on a date with him. I just knew at that moment that he was a stupid guy who only thinks with the thing in his pants. "I can remember that vaguely."

"What would she say when she saw you at this exact moment?" I couldn't really answer that question because the person I was at that moment, wasn't in the right state of her mind. It was the girl who hated every single person in the world for making her feel so sad all the time. But I am no longer that girl.

"That girl would kick my ass for being here with you. But I wouldn't care because I am falling for you badly." His mouth gets wide open and I couldn't stop laughing at him. I had always been good at shocking him. "I am falling for you too, Amelia Ross."

"That is good otherwise this would have been awkward." He rolls his eyes at me before he kisses me. It is the sweetest and nicest kiss that we have ever shared with each other. It tells more about how we feel about each other.

Crazy and badly in love with each other.

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