17 | Falling in love

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Warning: mature scenes coming up

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Warning: mature scenes coming up

"I didn't expect this." Carson is looking at every single corner of my room. I could see the smile forming on his face when he sees all the medals that I won with single skating. I was not proud of a lot of things in my life but that was the thing I like to show off. I want people to know that I am a good figure skater who is capable of winning competitions.

"What did you think it would look like?" He is now staring at my bed filled with teddy bears. All of them had a special meaning to me since I got all of them from my grandmother. It is probably the thing that he least expected from me. I am kind of the girl who is known as the ice-cold queen at the ice rink.

He takes one teddy bear up. "I am so going to use this as blackmail from now on. The cold-hearted figure skater has a room filled with teddy bears." He starts to hug the bear while I want to take off my heels. I had always hated to wear heels for too long but I had to do this for this night. I couldn't wear sneakers underneath the dress. Alina didn't even let me wear them.

"If you tell anyone, I will tell everyone that you slept with your light on until you were twelve." He is now staring at me with his mouth wide open. "I should have known that letting Alessia alone with you would be a stupid idea." He grabs my waist pulling me closer to him.

And those stupid butterflies are back.

"Don't take those heels off." His hand is now caressing my leg. His eyes were focused on the split only, I couldn't do anything to make him stare at anything else. The guy is obsessed with my legs whenever he sees them. "They are starting to hurt, Carson."

He pulls me on the bed so that I am now underneath him. He slowly lifts up the dress so he has a better view at my legs. "Do you know how much you were driving me crazy earlier? I couldn't stop looking at those smooth legs of yours." He starts to leave a trail behind of kisses at my legs. Every single one of them making all my feelings for him goes crazier.

Carson Logan is laying in my bed and I didn't even stop him. He is now at my feet and I could see a wicked smile forming on his lips. "You have to stand up for me so I can take off your dress." He pulls me to the end of my bed with my heels. He slowly lifts me up so I can stand up in front of him. "And why would I do that?"

He starts to kiss me slowly on my neck. His fingers go to the back of my dress that he is slowly starting to zip. "If you want me to stop then you can just tell me that. You decide how far we go tonight. I can wait for you." I pull him closer with his tie while making sure that he keeps zipping my dress. Lyra had told me that this dress would be a good idea to wear.

Carson had not stopped staring at me the whole night. I keep a reminder that I have to thank her for that. She made me feel so powerful and sexy. Just like Carson does now. "I need you to say it to me in words, Amelia. I am not going to let the dress fall until you say yes." I was a puddle because of his touch. I could barely form any sentences. "Carson, I want you."

He chuckles when I start to unbutton his shirt. His jacket had been taken off at the stairs already. I could still not register that I am kissing him. That I am going to sleep with Carson after being so difficult against him. "That is exactly what I want to hear."

He lets the dress fall down, giving him another minute to stare at me. I am now in my underwear and heels in front of him while he is still fully clothed. He slowly pushes me on the bed while he is kicking off his shoes.

He once again gets rid of my underwear with his teeth. And I couldn't stop the weird feeling starting in my stomach when he looks up at me. Making sure that I see every single movement that he does. I couldn't stop staring at him. He goes down on me while I start to claw at my sheets. I didn't want to beg for him to just get inside of me.

I am not one to beg.

"I am still fully clothed." He starts to take off his pants, letting me enjoy the show that he is giving me. I wanted nothing more than to touch him but I am enjoying the show. It makes all of those feelings I have for him get bigger with every single moment passing by. "Can you be any slower?"

He is still wearing his underwear when I push him into bed. I couldn't wait any longer for him. "You are so impatient all the time." I get on top of him, trying to find a condom in my drawer. It had been a long time since I have slept with someone. I wasn't even sure that I had any left. "Just give me a second to find one."

I finally find one in my drawer with a note of Lyra. She wished me a good time and I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face. "What are you so happy about?" Carson takes the note out of my hands and starts to chuckle. "You need to remind me to thank that friend of yours because of this. I don't think that I even had one in my pants for tonight."

I start to pull off his underwear and I feel his hard-on at my core. I had to contain myself to not just get it over with. "Remember Carson, I don't beg for anything." In a few seconds, I had put a condom on and I was riding him. Carson kept staring at me while I dig my nails deeper into his chest, happy with the moans leaving his mouth. I couldn't stop smiling at him when he places his hands at my waist to speed up the rhythm.

He is for sure admiring the view, he unclips my bra and throws it somewhere in my room while his other hand is keeping the rhythm going. "You are so fucking amazing, my love." My cheeks start to get hotter with every trust. I didn't want to make too much sound so I started to bite my bottom lip to not moan for the whole house.

"I am aware of that, Carson. But you aren't too bad either." I can feel his hands slowly rising up to my breasts that are bouncing now. I am so close to coming that I didn't even care anymore that anyone could hear me. I had heard enough of them in this house in the past weeks, I deserve good sex too.

And damn is this amazing.

"Your ego is one of the many things that I adore of you." I come first, letting myself rest on his chest while he keeps my hips moving for him to come too. His lips were now at my ear. "You are amazing, my love." And if the British accent wasn't already a thing that made me fall for him, then now would be my death.

"You aren't too bad either, Carson." He pulls me off him, getting rid of everything while pulling the blanket over us. I could see the smile on his face when I didn't put anything on. "I am happy with what I get from you. And this is already a lot coming from you."

"I am quite amazing. You don't need to tell me that." I slowly close my eyes when he starts to caress my hair with his fingers. It had been so long since I have slept with someone in the same bed naked. And I wasn't complaining about this.

I think that I am in love with Carson Logan.

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