XXIX | Guilty

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IMMEDIATELY, THE POLICE surrounded the school campus and armed police officers weaved around the halls, guns in their hands as if they were on the borderline of life and death, attempting to find Apollo.

Genevieve expertly left the scene, escaping through the emergency door and escaping through the backside of the school. A weird sort of tension creeped on her insides at the thought of Apollo, he seems familiar, too familiar.

As she creeped out on the side of the school, Genevieve visibly smirked once she caught sight of Apollo being handcuffed and being shoved to the backseat of the vehicle.

Slowly, Genevieve lurched forward, her face pulling in horror as she quickly caught the police officer's attention. "Help! Help!"

"What's wrong?" The police officer visibly tensed.

Genevieve pointed to a random direction and shrieked, fake tears running through her cheeks. "T-There's a m-man w-w-with a g-g-gun in the alleyway!"

Once the officer was distracted, Genevieve quickly ripped the car keys off her building as the officer ran off in the direction Genevieve pointed at. Amateurs.

"Thank you," the brunette dusted her shoulders off as she quickly stalked the car Apollo was forced in. She pulled the door open of the driver's seat and climbed in, turning the ignition and speeding off out of the school parking lot. Genevieve could feel Apollo's eyes widen in fear—of her and of the car's high speed as she passed red lights without stopping.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Genevieve licked her lips as she shrugged. "Saving you, kidnapping you. Take it as you like." She finally got a look at Apollo's face—he looked like a carbon copy of her, but with a larger muscular build and masculine features. It seemed Apollo was in fact surprised by her face too, ignoring her dyed blonde hair and heavy makeup, their eyes were identical.

"Tell me your name!"

Apollo's face scrunched. "No! You're a stranger!"

"Please," Genevieve scoffed, "I know for a fact that your name is not Apollo—I know that trick, it's so last season, so I'll save you some slack if you tell me your name."

"No!" Apollo persisted.

"Fine, if you put it that way," Genevieve easily took one hand off the steering wheel and pulled out a large metallic gun from her waistband and pointed it in Apollo's direction. "So. Are you talking now? Because I'm afraid that if you don't, you'll never get the opportunity to get your sister back."

"How do you know my name is not Apollo?!"

Genevieve laughed. "Kid, I'm not stupid— it's like Samantha Trucker isn't my name, or Heather Burnett or Trixie McQueen, or Hades. She pulled the other hand off of the wheel and held them out to him. "Hi, I'm Genevieve Romano, or Giuliana Alessandro. Sorry, I'm passing through some complications with the name thing. Mafia things, am I right?"

Apollo's eyes widened. "Get your duckling hands back on the wheel, we'll fucking die with you driving." She followed his orders, maneuvering the car expertly.

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