|Real Life|

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(BEFORE I START THIS CHAPTER!! I rarely write in first person so please bare with me. I only recently started using first person povs in my stories.)

Brooklyn's POV

I woke up and looked down at Dylan who had his arms around my waist and his face in the crook of my neck. He looked so peaceful and I could tell he was exhausted from working lately. He's been doing things for The Death Cure and he was gonna have to leave in 2 months.

I gently got out of his grip so that he could sleep in and stood up. I yawned and pulled on one of Dylan's sweatshirts over my tank top and shorts.

I walked out of our room and down the hall to the twins room. They were only 11 months old and I can't believe they were turning 1 in a month. My babies are growing up so fast.

I opened the door and smiled when I saw Liam and Leilani already standing in their cribs. They knew how to pull themselves up but they hadn't learned to start walking yet which we're working on.

"Good morning!" I grinned. They both started laughing and moving up and down happily. I walked over and picked up Leilani first and then Liam. I set them on my hips and Liam nuzzled his head into my neck with his favorite stuffed lion in his arms and his pacifier in his mouth. Leilani seemed to have already taken hers out so I didn't bother giving it back to her since she didn't want it.

"Should we go wake up daddy?" they both nodded eagerly and Leilani was practically jumping in joy when I mentioned Dylan.

"Dada!" she babbled out and I laughed.

She's definitely a daddy's girl for sure. Her first word was dada which no one was really surprised by. Liam's first word was berry and I was a little disappointed when it wasn't mama but Dylan Sprayberry was very happy because it was him that Liam said it to. Everyone said it was ironic considering Dylan's character was Liam on the show.

I pulled the door to our room open and saw Dylan sprawled out like a starfish with his mouth open and snores falling from his lips.

"Dada!" Leilani started wiggling in my arms so I walked over to the bed and set her down. She immediately started crawling towards Dylan while Liam sat there messing with his lion.

Leilani crawled and sat on Dylan's stomach. I laughed when she put her tiny hands on his cheeks and shook his face a little.

"Dada up." she mumbled out. I laughed at her way of telling him to wake up. I sat down next to Dylan and Liam crawled over to him too. He sat next to Dylan's face and patted his dad's forehead making me laugh more.

Dylan snorted and closed his mouth before his eyes fluttered open. A smile immediately made it's way to his face when he saw Liam and Leilani making my heart warm. He really was an amazing dad. No matter how busy his schedule got he always made time for the twins. And although the twins wanted his attention twenty four seven he still made time for me.

"Good morning munchkins." he pulled them both into his arms and showered them with kisses making them both laugh loudly and happily. When he stopped they both stayed in his arms making me smile. Dylan looked over at me and I leaned down to peck his lips making his smile grow.

"Good morning love." he whispered to me. Leilani and Liam both started nagging at Dylan obviously wanting all of his attention.

"Dada." Leilani laid her head in the crook of his neck and he kissed her forehead.

"Mm. Love you princess." he told her and Liam pouted with his pacifier still in his mouth. "And my prince." Liam laid in Dylan's arms too and I smiled at their little moment.

"I'm gonna go get breakfast started." I said before standing up.

"Mama!" Liam turned and raised his arms up in the air. "Up, up." he made grabby hands and I sighed, lifting him onto my hip.

"Momma's boy." Dylan mumbled.

"Daddy's girl." I retorted and pointed at Leilani who was blabbering and touching his face. "Let's go make breakfast." I told Liam who nodded and I walked out the door.

I stood at the counter with Liam at my feet playing with a few toys. I decided on making pancakes since it was the easiest. I felt a hand on my leg and looked down at Liam who was standing up.

"Dylan!" I shouted. He came running in with Leilani in his arms. I stepped away from Liam and let him stand on his own. I crouched down a few feet away and Dylan did too.

"Come on baby!" I encouraged Liam. He slowly let go of the cabinet and took one step forward. Then another, and another, and another, until he was taking tiny steps to me and Dylan.

"Oh my god!" I cried as Liam got to me and I picked him up in my arms. I looked up at Dylan who had a huge smile on his face. "You did it baby! You took your first steps!" Liam started giggling and clapping while I tried to hold back tears.

"Babe, why are you crying?" Dylan asked with a laugh as he put a hand on my cheek.

"My baby boy just took his first steps." I pressed my lips to the top of Liam's head. "And I'm on my period so I'm very hormonal." Dylan chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Oh god I'm supposed to be making pancakes!"

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