Eren Jeagar | 06 ♥︎

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⚠️TW: manipulation/verbal abuse⚠️
"You're just like your you know how much that angers me? No because you still do the same shit over and over again." She yelled. You sat there stone face begging the tears not to fall, you wouldn't give her that satisfaction. "So you have nothing to say? Just get out of my face." She yelled. You were finally free, grabbing your keys and hopping in the car.

"One more year. Just one more year." You told yourself as you could move out at 18. "Hey can I come over?" You asked shakily over the phone. "Your mom?" The person questioned. "Yeah." You replied with a sigh as a few tears fell. "I unlocked the door just come in. My mom is making you a plate." He spoke. "Okay I'm on my way." You sniffled wiping your tears so you could drive.

This all started when you were three, your dad had cheated on your mom and ever since then she was just...emotionally unavailable. Yes she seemed amazing to your friends but to you, she just got worse overtime. You have your good moments but overall, her words cut like a knife. Often saying "You are acting like your father right now." or comparing you to him just based off of your looks. You hated when she said that.

He was absent from your life only talking to you when he needed something or just to manipulate you and speak about how you supposedly didn't love him because you never saw him. You were the child and he made no effort so why should you? It hurt you honestly, even changed you but you still had your mom who you were grateful for. Getting into your teen years things got worse. Your attitude gradually progressed because you now saw your mom as a human being not just your superhero. She even now said things that you never thought could leave her mouth.

"Eren?" You called out as you made it to his house. "Y/n sweetie we missed you!" Carla said wrapping you in a hug. "Ah yes! Sorry my mom wasn't letting me go out for a while." You smiled faintly. "Oh honey." She said in an empathetic tone pulling you into a hug. You broke down then and there hugging her back. Over your shoulder she gave Eren a sad look and continued rubbing your back. "Hey baby." Eren whispered from the doorway making his way over to you.

His mom let you go and you walked over to Eren with your head down. You wiped your tears and put on a fake smile as you hated when he saw you cry. Your family often told you crying was for the weak and your father often invalidated your feelings so sharing them with any man made you feel uncomfortable. "You don't have to put on a smile for me. It's okay to be sad." He said in a calm tone picking you up and bringing you to the table. Grisha was in his study but he said hello as you and Eren walked past, you giving him a faint smile as you both made your way to the kitchen.

"I love you." You whispered to Eren. "I love you too baby. With all my heart." He spoke quietly sitting you on his lap. "I can eat myself." You spoke. "I know but I want to do this for you." He smiled spooning the fluffy mashed potatoes into your mouth. They melted in your mouth and so did the tender beef that was also on the spoon. "Thank you." You said quietly. "Oh and happy Mother's Day Ma!" You smiled at Carla. "Why thank you lovebug." She replied bringing out dessert.

You spent a few hours at Erens house before your mother began texting you. She did this every time, would tell you to leave then apologize and try to make it up to you with a mean or a gift or just being overly sweet to you. You hated that you gave in every time but you just wanted to be loved since that void couldn't be filled by your father. "Eren i gotta go." You spoke giving him a kiss. He held you in his arms for a while without speaking. "I don't want you to go back. She just hurt you so bad that you were crying. Cant you stay a little longer?" He asked kissing the top of your head.

"It's okay. I'll be fine, promise." You smiled knowing this was you and your mother's normal. She would yell and say hurtful things, you would get upset but afterwards you would just go back to being numb. It was a toxic cycle but it was the one you were used to. "Okay sexy." He smiled letting you go. "FaceTime me later okay?" He asked. "Of course!" You smiled saying goodbye to Carla and heading back home.

"Mommy I'm home." You spoke as you opened the door with your keys. "It's about time. You don't want to spend Mother's Day with the woman who birthed you?" She questioned. "You told me to leave." You quietly spoke. "Now your talking back? Wow okay so clearly I don't do enough for you." She often would guilt trip you or even manipulate you to an extent but honestly you just dealt with it. "What do you want to eat?" You tried changing the subject but it was to no use.

Her words cut, ripped, and tore at your heart, or what was left of it, as she relentlessly spewed cuss words and hurtful statements at you. You stared at her begging your lips not to curl upwards into a smile. You often laughed when you were nervous and this was one of the times that you really were trying to hold it back. "Y/n I swear to fucking god if you even smile right now." She spoke in a harsh tone. You cleared your throat and walked into the kitchen to begin fixing dinner so you didn't have to deal with her but that was also to no use. "Y/n l/n! Don't walk away from me!" She spat.

"I'm doing this for you. If you don't want me to I'll gladly head out again since they don't treat me like shit!" You spat not realizing you cursed. Her face looked like it had seen red then it was the last you remembered before getting your ass whooped. You looked at your mother with a look she had never seen before. Of course you had gotten a beating before and anger was plastered across your face but what she saw today was pure fear. She went to hug you and apologize but you flinched and that's when she realized...she had turned into what she never wanted to be.
Someone you feared.

You feared men, you feared rejection, you feared large crowds of people, you feared opening up to people you didn't know, shit you even feared your own reflection and now she was added to that list and boy did it hurt her to see her daughter run out of her house grabbing her keys and jacket on the way out, bit turning back for one second.

"EREN! EREN PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" You sobbed knocking on the door frantically. He rubbed his eyes opening the door as it now was around 11 pm and he went to bed early. "Baby what's wrong?" He said pulling you into his arms. "She...she..." you hiccuped into his chest. "Shh shh baby. It's okay you're safe now." He said in a calm tone rubbing your back. It's not that you wanted to be safe from her, she was your mother after just wanted to be understood. Of course she loves you...she provided for you and always laughed and joked with you but one thing she didn't do was understand you. That's where the arguments started and this one was taken too far...

"It's okay if you stay at Eren's for a while. Tell his mother I said thank you and will pay her for caring for you for a little. I'm very sorry for my actions today honey. It's just been a little stressful seeing you hurting and not knowing how to help. I love you." You heard her state over voicemail. You did just as she said, stayed with Eren in the comfort of his home. Thank god you had him or else your life would be a lot worse. "Goodnight baby. When we have kids they will be taken care of and we will do everything to make sure they are okay." He spoke. "Of course we will." You softly kissed his lips falling asleep, maybe next mother's day will be better...hopefully.

Authors note🥸: hey lovelies ♡︎. Sorry to those of you who dislike Mother's Day, I know it can be a tough holiday. Hopefully everyone had a great day and if you didn't and want to vent my messages are always open! Thank you for reading this one shot. It was loosely based on these last two days, hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if it was a bit triggering!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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