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The summer’s heat had drifted away. Shrubs on the valleys and mountains of South Korea were painted brown. Maroon, yellow and brown danced on the leaves of withering trees. Chilly winds twirled around the weak stems of naked plants and humans decorated themselves in all things leather and fur.

The autumn season reigned after the summer took its bright leave and I Priya Kapoor remained in Korea for one reason and one reason only. Kim Tae Min.

I claimed to be irresolute of my relationship with Tae Min and he spoke nothing of it either. He called me his ‘friend’ but his eyes said more.

Maybe he was shy or maybe I read the situation wrong. Whatever truth defined our relationship, I did not care for I knew one thing that comforted me. I was more than just a fan girl to Kim Tae Min and that was beyond satisfactory.

During my stay in South Korea, Tae Min and Mr Park Donghyun built my career as a photographer.

With their influence I was introduced to stylists, agencies, models, editors, writers and moguls of the Korean entertainment and fashion industry. Of course I did not gain an instant spotlight but after a few trails, my works gained its deserved attention on social media and I began to make some money. I felt less burdened due to the fact that I could cater for myself. Pride soaked my strides and smile.

I was thankful to Kim Tae Min and I wished I could do more for him. Whenever I saw him perform on stage, I wished to be more than a distraction or a friend. I knew it was impossible but I wished to save him completely. I wanted to be his saviour.

I wished for more but he just wanted me by his side. So that’s where I decided to be. By Kim Tae Min’s side, for as long as he wanted.

On an autumn loved morning, special invitation cards were delivered to Kim Tae Min’s home by a member of staff from the YooJin agency. They were placed in a black envelopes lined at edges by the colour gold.

“This again?” Tae Min sighed after opening the envelopes.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s for the masked ball isn’t it?” Eun Ji asked. Her mouth was occupied by a lollipop.

“Yes it is and this time there are…wait…three invitations! There’s an invitation for me, there’s another for Eun Ji and…one for you.” Kim Tae Min said in awe. His eyes were focused on me.

“Me?!” I asked.

“Wow! Father’s never invited any of Tae Min’s friends. Well except the ones who’ve contributed one way or another to the YooJin Agency and they’re not really friends, just a group of ‘wannabes’. On the surface it’s an annual charity event but in reality, it’s a show-off contest between the rich in South Korea. Idols, Idol trainees, actors, models and business tycoons are always present for the event. It’s also a hunting ground for popular agencies to recruit new members. Of course, everyone at the agency knows you’re friends with big brother but I’m still surprised you were invited.” Eun Ji gazed at me.

“What is Lee Jun Ho trying to pull this time? Why are there three invitations? What is he planning? Well the ball’s in a week so that’s enough time to figure out what he’s up to.” Tae Min bit his lower lip and his fist tightened. The envelopes in his hand began to wrinkle.

“It’s in a week?! I totally forgot!!” Eun Ji screamed.

“Hey, it might be nothing. Maybe he invited me because he wants to know more about me. After all, there have been rumours that you’re having a secret affair. Perhaps your father wants to clarify things. Who knows?” I tried to calm Kim Tae Min but his eyes were already caressed by the claws of fury. He loathed his step-father.

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