Who I Am

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I was sleeping soundly only to be shook awake by Nita . " F/n ...F/N!" she shouted . I jumped up "What ...what?!" I said startled . Then I heard it *thump* thump* I sighed slightly "What is Rissa doing ?" I asked only to be pushed off the bed , I turned to see who it was I was surprised to see Clarissa . " It wasn't me , I've been here all night ." *thump* thump*  I got up and tossed on a shirt . "Girls ...stay here , I'll check it out ." I say as I head to my front door . 

As I open it I see an older man who seems very wealthy standing on my door step , he shoots me a false smile " Hello sir , I was wondering if you were the host family for Nita ?" he asked , I step out and shut the door behind me . " Depends on who is asking ?" I replied , seeing the annoyance in his face  he keeps his fake smile in place . " I am Ashton Grey , I was her host before  she had ran away and was picked up by an agent of the government and rehomed , I tried to explain-" I cut him off " Oh so you were the guy who beat her and locked her up ?" I say with snark in my voice . 

He was taken aback  "I ... I never hit her , I only gave her punishments when my rules where broken . Besides the program did an investigation and I was cleared of all charges ." he said with a slimy grin on his face . I sighed " Yeah , they may have but I will not allow you to see her . She is here and safe , so if you wish to continue this harassment -" This time he cut me off " Harassment , oh goodness no . This is simply a friendly visit ." Then his false positive detemir changed to a dark threatening tone . " But harassment is hard to prove , if it had happened hypothetically speaking . "  I gave him a smile " Trust me , I am aware how the grey areas of the law works . For example if hypothetically  a random person followed you to your house and continued to stalk you and little mishaps keep happening to your discontent . " I explained , His eye began to twitch " Listen here you little shit , I own her SHE IS MINE!" he shouted . Suddenly two big bodyguards got out of his car and crowded us . " Is your answer still the same young man ?" he asked , I sighed " Look if you do this , I will be doing something I walked away from years ago . But I will gladly go back to that darkness in me if it means to protect my girls." I said in a cold tone . He scoffed and motioned to the guys to grab me .

As they did I kicked Ashton in the chest , sending him tumbling back . The guys gripped my wrists, I twist my arms and reverse the wrist holds on them .  I kick one in the jewels causing him to drop to the ground so I release him . I ball up my fist and punch the other in the face repeatedly till he collapsed . I turn my attention to the other guy and kick him in the face , knocking him out cold . I calmly walk over to Aston , he tried to scramble away . I simply grab him by his shirt and help him up , dusting off his blazer jacket . " You see Ashton , you use your money to play gangster . But what will you do when an ex gangster runs up on you and makes the day your last day ......hypothetically?" I ask , he gave me a scared look " I....I'm sorry , I'll never show my face her again . She's yours , keep the snake bitch !" he said franticly . I groaned and then shot him a glare ." She's a Ryu you rich fuck !' I say punching him into his car and shattering his windshield . 

Immediately afterwards Smith arrived and had them all arrested , She sat in the living room with the girls who watched the entire thing from the upstairs window . I was currently in the bathroom looking into the mirror . I noticed the same look I noticed years ago , the rush of violence . I shake my head " I'm not him anymore , you are not him any more ." I say quietly . I shove my feelings and leave the bathroom . Walking into the living room everyone was quiet till I sat down . " Master? ..Are ...you ok ?" Nita asked , I nodded "Yes , why ?" she slowly slithered to me and gently touched my cheek and brought her finger up " Your crying , That's why I asked ?" she said slightly sad tone in her voice . I pull her into a tight hug " I'm fine , I'm just happy everyone is safe ." I say with quietly .

" Just tell them F/n , they won't look at you any different." Smith said , I pulled back from Nita slowly " But ...I ." Smith stood up " What , scared that they will leave you alone in this big house . Have faith in them F/n ." she said caringly . Nita and Rissa both looked at me expectantly, I sigh and begin talking " When I was little I was passed from foster home to foster home ,Once everyone saw I wasn't perfect or willing to shut up they tossed me out on my ass . Then one day I met my friend Ethan, He ...was  in a group that did bad things to people for money . We would rob ,steal ,mug , bad things . " I stop and take a breath  ,seeing the looks on the two girls faces  . I decide to continue " In too deep now ." I thought .

" Then one day , Ethan and I were going to rob this store . I was the look out ,  as I stood outside I heard a gunshot and then Ethan came running out so I followed him . After a few minutes we ducked into an alley, I asked him what happened . Maybe call the cops , but he said no  that  the cashier is fine. He was .....the one that was shot , and just like that he dropped to the ground . I .....I ran over to help him but ...he was gone . After the cops picked me up  I was questioned and admitted to everything I did . I didn't care what happened to me , my best friend was dead and now I ...was alone like I had been before I met him . I ...I made a promise to myself I will not ever be that man again , I have been loyal to that promise ever since ." I finish . 

I stopped talking and just stared at the floor , too scared to look anyone in the eye " This is it , I'm going to be alone again , I deserve it though." I thought to my self . Rissa came over to me and took my chin and lifted it up to look me in the eyes . " Do you know what we see F/n ?" she asked . I shrugged " A bad guy?" I asked , all three of them shook there heads " A man who made mistakes in the past , but is setting things right . A guy who is willing to protect those he cares about ."" A guy who has a great ass." We all looked at Smith . 

"Oh ....so I am the only one who looked ...Really ?" she said in a huff playfully , This made me smile . " Thanks guys, it means allot ." I say smiling and getting up "So  who wants a special dinner ?" I ask , All three of the girls raise their hands , I look at Smith " Don't you have a boyfriend or something ?" I ask .She gave me a toothy grin " Why so curious about my love life , aren't these two enough for your deviant vices ?" She playfully asked , she then moved close to me and whispered in my ear . "But ...it's not against the law  for us to ...get better acquainted." 

Nita jumped up " Oh no you didn't , you can't wave your self in front of him like your a steak in front of a dog ." she defended me , "Um....are you calling me a dog ?"  I asked , Nita thought about it for a second " Oh ....what ....no of course not." she said stumbling over her words . Rissa pushed me down and hopped onto my lap " While they are fighting . We should go be alone my plaything ." she said with a lustful smirk . I sighed and stood up causing Rissa to flop off of me and hitting the ground . She jumped up and pointed at me " He hurt me take him to jail !"  I pointed back at her " I did not , the floor hurt you . I merely stood up ." 

After a bit  we all start laughing  , Once we all calm down I move to the kitchen and start working on dinner as they all chatted . Suddenly Smith got a phone call , she looked at the caller I.d and instantly answered it . " Hello Sir ....yes .....earlier ....how many ..... I know just the guy , Ill talk to him and call you back ." she then hung up and gave me a slightly saddened look "Smith ..What's wrong ?" I asked . " Well, after Ashton was arrested our organization went to his home to seize assets and we found two other species locked up in cages and malnourished. They were transported here illegibly, now they can get deported or sent to a caring host family . " she then gave me a expectant look . I sighed " Will they get along with Nita and Rissa ?" I asked , she nodded " They weren't violent , just scared ." 

 I looked at Nita and Rissa "What do you two think ?" They both gave me a confused look "Why are you asking us , it's your house ." Rissa replied ," Master it is up to you , our opinions don't matter." Nita answered . I dropped what I was doing and went over to them " Girls your feelings and opinions matter , once you moved in here you became family and family  has say in what goes on in this house regardless of where you were before , what you think matters here ."

 They both smiled " Thank you Master ." "Yeah thank you plaything ."  , I gave them pats on their heads " So what do you two think ?" I ask again, They looked at each other " We don't like the fact of sharing you ,but  they need help and we have the means to give it to them master . " Nita answered for both of them while Rissa nodded . I look to Smith " You heard 'em , Tell them they can stay here ." 

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