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Y/F/N = your full name


You met in high school during lunch. You walked through the lunch room. You were new and was your first day. You were wondering where to sit when in the darkest corner you saw a guy in skull makeup. You decided to give it a shot. You walked over. ''Can I sit here...''

''Tate. Tate Langdon. And I guess.'' He says shrugging me off. I sit down.

''I like your makeup.''

''Thanks...'' You always had a flare for darkness.


''Nice to meet you, Y/N.''


You were walking home from work because your car was in the shop. You walked in and saw a guy. ''Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm here to pick up my car.''

'''Course ma'am. Right this way.'' He leads me into the parking garage. After I pay he gives me my keys and I start walking. ''Hold up!'' He says jogging to me. '''You're pretty cute. I was wondering. If you wanted to go get dinner sometime.''

''I'de love to...'' I look at his name tag. ''Kit.''


Y/N was part of a sorority and adopted sister to Madison Montgomery. She dragged you to the party. You agreed and now you're in a short tight black dress. You looked to see a cute guy with blond hair. You smiled a bit and he did too and he started walking over toward you. ''Hi! I'm Kyle Spencer!''

''I'm Y/N!''

''Pretty name! I saw you walk in with Madison Montgomery!''

''Yeah! She's my adopted sister!''

''Why don't we go somewhere more quiet!'' You nod and head off with him.


You were a freak. Well, that's what they saw you as one at least. Your parents were so obsessed with Greek Mythology they surgically sewed large wings on your back. They made it so you can move them, even. But once they died last year you were left alone. But Elsa Mars came and took you in. ''Y/N, this is Jimmy Darling. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.''

''A-Alright.'' Elsa left telling Jimmy to take your bag. He lifted it up.

''Pretty wings.'' He says winking at you. You blushed.


''They haven't set up your place yet so I was told you're gonna bunk with me for a day or two. Hope that doesn't bother you.''

''It's alright.''

''Don't worry. I don't bite.'' He says winking. You smile and head to his trailer. He opens the door. ''I'll take the couch and you could take the bed.''

''O-Oh no I couldn't. I don't wanna be a bother. I'll crash on the couch.''

''No you take the bed.''

''I couldn-'' he cuts you off.

''You aren't bothering me. It's alright.'' He confirms.

''Fine.'' You say giving in.


You were supposed to stay one night. One night! That was until you were at the bar down stairs and decide to go to bed. You paid the attender and went to your room. 64. You walk in and once you shut the door you felt someone wrap an arm around your neck. ''Hello darling.'' Was all you heard before you suffocated when a pillow was forcefully put on your face.


You were auditioning for My Roanoke Nightmare when you met Rory. You were cast as an extra for Edward Phillip Mott. You were waiting in the audition room when he came and sat next to you. ''I'm Rory Monahan. You're cute. Wanna go out?'' I look up to see a man with red hair.

''You don't even know my name yet.'' I scoff.

''Yes I do. It's...'' he looks down at my headshot that has my name on it. ''Y/F/N.''

''Smart. Here's my number.'' Then a lady opens the door leading to the auditions.


''Call me.'' I smile. Walking away.


You were a painter. You sold your paintings for a large sum of money depending if they want a self portrait or not. A man knocked at your shop. And you were able see him through the window. You heard about him. He's Edward Mott. Him and his family were very wealthy and in turn, popular. You put down the paintbrush and opened the door. ''How may I help you, sir?''

''Are you Y/N? I've seen her work and would like to purchase some.''

''Yes, that's me. Come in.'' You say moving to the side for him to walk in. He walks in and sees a beautiful portrait of a meadow. One of my best works.

''This one how much?'' He asks.

''Twenty dollars.'' (I guess back then it was a pretty high amount of money. Like thousands are today.) He paid you and just before he left he said something.

''Maybe I shoud let you paint a portrait of me sometime. Write me.'' And he left in he carriage.


Word count: 830

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