The Man on the Moon

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  It's 2:14 AM and I am intertwined in my silky bedsheets, a throbbing vein pulsating in my left temple.

  I glance up through the window and I see the moon in all its glory, almost reaching it. Did you know the Moon is always falling, dear David? Across the ocean, my mind is wandering, my body is aching every day of this confusing life. I am dreaming of a better world, a world devoid of suffering, a world in which people will have control over their most basic right - their health. I aspire to reach that velocity escape curve more than ever, now that my time is truly limited. It's a race against time, a race against my own body. 

  We are all dying a bit, day by day, physically as much as metaphorically. The very thing that keeps us alive kills us. David, I know you told me that your heart is devoid of all emotion, that it is simply an organ that pumps blood and nothing more. God, I wish this heart fulfilled its most basic function when it was needed the most when it was expected the least. After all, there is so much that a heart can truly take, right David? You have seen the world, and you have done with that other half that you considered at that time. Then, as in every contemporary romantic story, boy meets girl and girl shatters boy. A vicious circle of toxic energy perpetuates into the next relationships, poisoning more hearts and destroying more souls. However, I see your soul in the shattered pieces of your heart. You are going through it now because it is necessary. 

  There is so much that we do not know, David. Can you claim truly that the mind and the heart are at constant war? Isn't the mind the very reason the heart can beat in the first place? Where do you achieve this balance? If only there were stem cells back then, 15 years ago, I could have saved him, David! But he brought me to you. Through an app that only exists in our minds, a mutual, unshakeable bond was made. A true connection. You told me you won't ever fall from the Moon. But what if the Moon is truly falling on us? What if the gravitational pull is so strong that it brings you right here, on top of me? That instead of having these silky, cold sheets around my waist, it would be your hands holding me captive to your embrace. Your lapiz lazuli eyes staring with the same intensity into my hazel eyes as in that picture, holding on to that one thread before taking the plunge. There is so much that separates us David. Age. Ocean. Circumstances. Distance. Time. Space. It does not matter because I can sense your legs between mine, the delicate warmth of your skin on my cheeks. Nothing beats the destiny of the twin flames. 

  My mind is racing and I can't help myself but ponder... are all our minds programmed this way? Or is it a runtime error, a curious flaw that turns on the switch to our emotions like a fountain, like the inexplicable case of the Bicentennial Man? And thus, I drift into this realm where I know I will meet you again, with a smile knowing that we at least looked up at the same Moon tonight, across the ocean, and it smiled back at us. 

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