Chapter 24: You can't go back there

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Chapter 24:
Selena just talked to us!: Said Nina while in shock.
Tell me I'm not dreaming!  Someone hit me!: I said.
She's fine!: Gigi said happily.
Where is he now?: I asked.
Girls, why are you so happy?: Asked Mr. Tesfaye's mother.
Selena just called Taylor !!: Francia shouted.
What?!?!?: She shouted and was shocked.
How is she ?!  Is it okay?!: Samara asked again.
Yes.  She said she was fine: I replied.
Pov Selena:
I missed Taylor so much!  I wish she was here: I thought that for an hour after I talked to her.  Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
Come in.: I said and then Dante came in.
Danny hello!: I said happily and smiled broadly.
Hello Sel!: He said and then came to me and kissed me.  Yes, I have been in a relationship with Dante for a few weeks.  But how would I tell him about the baby?  He will hate me! I thought and then pulled away from him.
Is everything all right?: He asked anxiously.
I have to tell you something: I said seriously.
And he worried even more.
Before I say that, promise me you won't hate me: I said.
I promise: he said.
Remember when I told you about my former boss?: I asked and he nodded in understanding.
I ... pregnant: I said softly and he froze.  I wanted to say something but he just hugged me.
Everything is fine Sel!  We'll do it together! I'm not going anywhere!: He said and I just hugged him as hard as I could.
Thank you for not hating me!: I said while crying.
Sel, I will never be able to hate you!  It's not your fault!  I love you and I want you to know that!  And if I have to raise this child, I will do it and I will love him as mine because I know that this child will be perfect like you!  I will not let anyone hurt you!  Please stop crying!: He said and kissed me on the forehead.
I love you!: I said and kissed him.
I love you too: he told me.
Don't forget that!: He said again and hugged me but it was as if he was afraid of breaking me.
Danny, you can hug me: I said and laughed lightly.
I'm afraid I won't hurt you: he said and smiled and I smiled even more.
You are so sweet!: I said and kissed him and suddenly my door opened and my mother entered.
I'm sorry pigeons in love but Selena I need to talk to you: said my mother.
I'll see you later: I said and kissed him and then Dante left the office.
Did you tell him? My mother asked.
Yes: I said.
And how did you accept it?: She asked again.
He said everything was fine and we would do it together.  He said he would not go anywhere because he loved me and would not allow anyone to hurt me and the baby. He said he was ready to become a father: I said with a smile.
Ooo it's so sweet!: Said my mother with a smile.
He's perfect!: I said and smiled and my mother just came to hug me.
As soon as he makes you happy, I accept him: she said and kissed my head.
I miss Tay!: I said and I felt a tear running down my cheek.
I know sweetheart but you have to be strong: said my mother.
You can't go back there, she said again.
~ it doesn't matter who planted the flower.  It is important who will raise it ~
M.G.  N.B.

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