Abandoned (Part 1)

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Tommy returns after being killed by dream only to realize everyone was thankful he had died minus a certain enderman, masked man, king and mushroom kingdom. Tommy leaves and seeks shelter in Kinoko kingdom, planning on breaking dream out with the help of Ranboo, Eret, Sapnap and Karl.


Ranboo's POV:
Guilt was raising in my stomach as I saw how everyone was treating the recently resurrected teenager. Tommy didn't deserve to be treated in such a foul manner, having people throwing things at him as he passed and stealing his belongings all for the fun of bullying the minor. Even Tubbo had been acting cruel towards his once best friend.

Seeing him being hurt by those he protected and fought for pissed me off. Unlike everyone else on the server minus a few individuals, I had been visiting Tommy and providing the needed support the boy required after his death. For fucks sake, dream had even apologized and explained his inability to control his actions. He had been providing support and comfort to the broken blonde teen.

It was one Monday that things became to extreme. I was walking to Snowchester to see Michael, who Tubbo had almost completely forgotten about, when I saw 3 figures kicking something on the floor. As it turned out, those figures (Fundy, Niki and Tubbo)had been kicking the shit out of Tommy, who now laid on the floor in a pile of his own blood, bleeding from his head and looking broken. I hid from view, waiting for them to leave before running over and falling beside the broken teen. Before thinking, I quickly scooped him up and headed towards the only safe place I could think of, Eret's Castle.


Eret's POV:
I was busy working on different projects that will hopefully be seen through the SMP, when the sound of ragged breathing rang through the room. Turning to see who was having trouble breathing, I noticed Ranboo carrying a bloodied body.

Dropping whatever was in my hands, I motioned Ranboo through another door where I knew there was a bed and medical supplies. The body was placed on the bed and it was then that I noticed the bloody covered blonde hair and tattered red and white shirt belonging to none other then Tommy.

Before asking what happened, I started working on healing the wounds and cleaning the blood from the boy passed out. Telling Ranboo to go clean himself up, I finished up on bandaging the boy up and finally sat down.

Ranboo walked back into the room wearing a oversized white shirt and some clean pants, dirty suit in hand. He came over towards the sleeping figure in the bed and sat besides him, slowly running his fingers through the tangled blonde mess of hair.

'What happened to him Ranboo' I asked calmly as to not wake the boy. 'Tubbo, Fundy and Niki happened.' The bluntness in Ranboo's voice shocked me and caused me to worry. I know for a fact that Tommy was special to both Tubbo and Ranboo, so to have Tubbo injure Tommy must hurt the enderman.

'Tubbo did this to Tommy? I thought they were friends?' I was puzzled to say the least. I didn't expect Tubbo to act like the other SMP members towards Tommy, especially after everything Tommy has done for the boy. 'Rest up Ranboo, I'm gonna message someone and get Tommy to a safe place away from harm.' I said resting a hand on Ranboo's shoulder. 'Okay, thanks for the help Eret' this was followed by the sound of suffering and Ranboo lying down.

I left the room making sure to leave a note and a spare key to the door, before locking the room and leaving my castle. I had people to talk to, plans to make and a broken boy to protect.


Dream's POV:
Something happened to Tommy, I can feel it. You see, although I've done fucked up shit to Tommy, I have a connection to the boy. I can feel his emotions and I automatically know when something is wrong with him.

Knowing that Tommy was hurt, made staying calm in the small cell nearly impossible. After bringing him back from the dead, we had bonded and he became a sort of little brother, annoying yes, but still someone I would protect.

I will find a way out of this prison and I will find and hurt the one who hurt Tommy.


Eret's POV:
After leaving the boys to sleep, I headed to the newly built kingdom located a few miles away. The creators of this kingdom being some of my most trusted friends, Sapnap and Karl.

Once arriving at Kinoko Kingdom, I was greeted by an overly excited Karl and a smiling Sapnap. However, upon seeing the look on my face both became serious and led me to a secluded meeting room.

Nothing was said as we walked in and sat down. Both sets of eyes from the boys before me, boring holes into me as I prepared myself for the words about to leave my mouth.

'They've gone too far now' was all I said to begin with. Neither boys knowing what I was on about. As they had no idea what I meant, I pulled out the blooded and ripped up red and white shirt belonging to the boy I was here about. 'What did they do to him?' Sapnap asked, a look of anger itched onto his face. Karl looked no better, being protective over the blonde haired boy.

Explaining the facts that I knew about the situation to the couple took a while, but by the end, both men looked as if they were ready to kill. Before I knew it, Karl had left the room, coming back a few minutes later looking proud. 'A room has been set up for Tommy here in Kinoko, where we can help him heal and protect him' was all that left Karl's mouth.

We spoke for another 10 minutes before all getting ready to head to my castle to retrieve the boy. Collecting what was needed and heading out towards the boarders of the kingdom, we headed off towards my home.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

Arriving back at castle, we headed up towards the room were both Ranboo and Tommy had been left, expecting to open the door to an awake enderman. However, the sight that greeted us was one that showed just how young these boys were. They were cuddled together, Tommy under the protective arms of the sleeping  enderian.

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