Chapter 9

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Third's POV

"well, how 'bout we start by introducing our selfs." Karla said giving them a soft smile. cherry used her puppeteer gift on Mina to make her wake up.

Everyone watched with a shocked expression whenthey saw Mina get up from her spot on Cauis's lap and walk ove to Karla and Cherry. They then saw Cherry moving her fingers in a 'come here' motion. When MIna made her way to them she stood next to Karla, making her in the middle of her and cherry.

Karla turned to Mina and gently blew in her ears making her face scrunch up adorably. Mina opened her eyes slowly and gently smiled at everyone until her eyes landed on Karla. No one expected her to full on death glare at Karla making said girl look away whistling softly. "you knock me out, you big dusty crusty oompa-loompa looking betch." everyone minus Cherry and Karla was looking shocked at what Mina had said. LThey all saw Karla slump her shoulders looking depressed and drag herself to one of the corners of the Volturi Castle, and sit on it. 'i dont know if it's imagination or is mustrooms growing on her depressed form.' Everyone sweat-dropped at one of their future queens.

"ididntdonitanythinglikeIhelpyouandthisthethanksIgetIjustdontdeservethis." Karla whispered lowly, if everyone wasn't supernatural they wouldn't of heard them.

"Ok II mi amores, I'm-" Aro started but soon got cut off by Karla. "Not trynna be rude or anything hun, but we already know your name and who you are." She smiled gently at them. "How do you know us." Cauis asked in confusion, while Marcus just tilted his head like a confused puppy. 'I have a feeling Marcus is gonna be doing that a lot.' Karla sweat dropped, Cherry then stepped forward and started telling them about how they know about them.

"Well you see we was in a Coven called the Ravens, but sadly when they found out of other mate Mina was a human it didn't go well. They thought if we ever got caught the Volturi will come for us. They kicked us out very rudely may I add. So the reason why is so they wouldn't have to deal with y'all." Cherry told them sadly as she was missing her family. She glanced at her only family. She saw that Karla was trying to get Mina to stop eating the flowers she bought. 'When did she buy those.' Cherry asked with furrowed brows. "-is that alright with you three." She heard Aro's voice and soon noticed she tuned everything out. "Oh I'm sorry could you say that again." Cherry apologized bowing her head down.

The Volturi Kings gazed at her bowing form confused. She was their mate along with the other two, so why would she bow and apologize when she didn't need to. "II mi amore you don't have to bow down and apologize, when you did nothing wrong." Marcus said speaking for the fist time. "I-ok." Cherry hesitated a little picking herself up.

'Hm I wonder what's her past is like.' Is what went through the heads of the Volturi.

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