Chapter 20

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I am nice, why? Because I updated a day early of course!!! Thank me later. Enjoy!

Chapter 20

Trident Bangor Nuclear Base

1400 hours

"I would say 10,000" I started, I was excited since Murray is actually interested in the deal.

"More." Said Murray, I had predicted this. That's why I gave such a "small" amount of money as my offer.

"Fine, I'll double it. 20,000$ You know that MI6 and CIA aren't as rich as you think. There is a limit."

"Can I have the maximum amount then?" Asked Murray

"No, the maximum amount is basically all the agency has put together." I said

"Ok, 20,000. Whatever" Agreed Murray.

"Deal"I said, then I said to the others: "20 thousand for Murray"

The others didn't look happy, but we needed Murray. He knew quite a bit, more than me, Zoe, and Erica knew.

"The others agreed" I said

"Great!" Exclaimed Murray

"Spill it" I said impatiently

"Well, take this. First I won't betray you."

"I appreciate that" I said

Murray continued "Second, SKORPION is doing the work right under your nose. The hackers and the replacement Crupil are in this military base right now."


"Beside the missile, the observation room for the missiles. I'll send you a map of the base. "

I felt my phone vibrate. Murray had really sent me a picture or map of this nuclear base.

"Where did you get this?" I asked

"It's available on the internet" Said Murray

"And you promise this isn't a trap?" I asked again, suspicious.

"You can trust me, and second. I know if you guys don't succeed, I won't get my money."

"OK." then I hang up. I didn't want SKORPION tracking my call.

"Guys! We need to get to the hackers, they are in the observation room for the missile!" I exclaimed.

Erica and the rest of the gang came along while Zoe stayed. I looked at the timer, 7 minutes and 3 seconds left.

"I have a map" I said as I gave my phone to Catherine, who led the way to the observation room immediately.

When we finally arrived at the observation room, the timer in my head was only down to 4 minutes and 47 seconds. Erica pulled out a gun from her utility belt and I pulled out my gun, only instead of using it. I gave it to Zoe, Catherine looked disapproving but she knew that we didn't have the time to argue.

"At the count of 3 lets go out from our hiding spot and arrest them" Said Catherine



I pulled out a taser from my utility belt for myself to use.


We all charged,

"Hands up!" Said Erica

Like Crupil, the commander of this hacker team also didn't know how to fight and raised her hand obediently.

"Good" Said Catherine in a tone that said she was all business "Now go stop that missile" She pointed out the window with her free hand.

The hackers immediately got to work undoing the work they spent the last few months doing, while Erica tied up the commander.

While it would take Orion or perhaps the God Of Hacking to undo the work in 15 minutes, even in the main control area. It only took the actual people controlling it 6 and half minutes to stop the missile from launching. It was quite a close call, as one of them (We later learned he was called Brandon, like SKORPION's leader) tried to continue hacking and getting the missile to launch. But Catherine, as she knew quite a bit about hacking and undoing hacking herself, managed to spot him and put a stop to it.

We all ran back to the control room in excitement.

"GUYS! WE MANAGED TO DO IT!" I screamed as Alexander, Zoe, and to my surprise, Murray came to congratulate me.

"I know!" Said Zoe, "the countdown ended with 33 seconds to spare and said that it was a system malfunction. Then, it just went back to normal."

Successful mission count: 9

We called Cryus to land in the military airport outside the building we were in, while Alexander called the CIA to let them know about the mission. It was peaceful when we boarded the plane. And to my surprise, and Mike and Zoe's surprise. Cyrus even let Murray on the private jet, even though he wasn't happy. 

"Little scumbag" he muttered. 

The first thing Murray did was rob us of all our snacks, of course. Then, Alexander told us that Murray will be receiving his money soon. As I sat on my seat, I fell asleep...On Erica's shoulder, blatantly ignoring many dirty looks from Zoe. Erica didn't even punch me for it, she just drifted off to sleep too.

😭😭😭, the book is ending. It's sad, I know. But thankfully there is one more chapter, and then I'll cry my eyes out in the acknoledgement page. 

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