The plan

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Kath's Pov: It started to get late and Marcus still wasn't home so I rang him. He said he was now on his way home, but I had no clue where or why he went out.

Marcus' Pov: I know kath would question where I went when I got home so I made up an excuse that cray and baz needed some help with a last huge furniture delivery and if they got questioned by kath about it they knew to go along with it.

Kath's Pov:  Marcus got home and I just had to ask where he went and he explained he had to help baz and cray so I just said "ok" and then he kissed me on my forehead as he went to go get a glass of water.

The next morning

Marcus' Pov: I barely slept through the night because i just knew that to get an amazing proposal I had to get some of kath's closest friends to help. The main plan was that fasffy would come down without kath knowing and surprise her whilst I went to "get kath another drink" when I would actually go into my draw that had the ring in and message fasffy to tell her to make kath look away from the door. I knew getting Fasffy down here would be a struggle, but we worked a way out and planned the perfect date! Now to make sure everything was perfect. How exactly was I supposed to get a ring size without her getting suspicious though...?

A few days later

Marcus' Pov: Fasffy thought of  an amazing idea that helped me find the ring size and I quickly left to go get the best ring I could find.

The next week

Kath's Pov: Marcus asked me out on a date, which he barely ever does so I was extremely happy. He said for me to put a blindfold on and follow him out into the garden...

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