..⤞How Bad Can It Be?⤝..

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Lv. 2
~{y / n ' s p o v}~
"No..It can't be..my PlayStation is the one making the aura?..no i don't think so..but the video game..i swear i left it in a bag with the other video games!" i said to myself. I'm so confused..how can it move by itself?..I swear nobody came here! Did someone break in?..but if someone did they should've stole my belongings..nothing has been stolen. My mind is starting to fill up with thoughts,who?...when?...HOW??
"Calm down (y/n) it probably fell by itself,or maybe i'm just a bimbo and i don't remember anything..." I released a heavy sigh and I rubbed the back of my neck,I closed the door and grabbed my phone to look at the time.
"Huh..it's 9:47pm..maybe I should go to sleep early..all of this thinking is making me tired.." After cleaning my desk and making sure I locked all the doors of my apartment,I laid down on my bed and got comfortable. Sniffing the sweet scent of detergent of my blanket as I snuggled my pillow. I slowly closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.
I slowly opened my eyes then I sat up from the cold black floor..wait..black?..wait why is everything so dark..where's the light? "Hello!? Is anyone here?! Can anyone hear me!?" I shouted..but nobody answered..I'm all alone.
"Where the hell am I?" I got up on my feet as I started walking around the void..there's nothing around this strange place.
"What's going on here??" As I kept walking,I saw something in the distance..no.. someone. I slowly walked my way towards them..their back facing me. Who are they?..What are they?..they look human in a way..their hair short on their left side as it gets longer on their right side,two tiny triangles poking out the side of their head. Their left limbs are yellow as the opposite are blue..they're wearing a uniform in some sort. I got closer to them as I slowly reached out my hand and hesitantly tapped their shoulder. The strange humanoid slowly turned and faced me,their face completely blank covered in grey static and they immediately covered their face with their hands. The back of their hands had each one eye and half of a triangle,representing a mouth.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!! RUN AWAY YOU'RE NOT SAFE HERE!!" the humanoid screamed as I shrieked in surprise,falling back and landed on my behind. I backed away as I watched the humanoid creature screaming their lungs out,violently wailing as they're pulling their hair in distress. Their limbs and face rapidly switching different colors and textures,it's like having rapid mood swings..or a mental breakdown.
"LEAVE!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! GET OUT OF HERE!! RUN!!"  they pleaded in desperation as I immediately got up and started running away from them. I ran as far as I could,didn't stop for a breath. I kept running till I heard rumbling and felt the ground shake,feeling unbalanced and fell to the ground. I quickly turned my head to see what's behind me,seeing the ground cracking,breaking into gigantic holes. Fear shoots through my veins,giving me a reaction to quickly get up and run from the cracking floor. I kept running as I looked behind me,seeing the pitch black void getting closer as the floor kept crumbling behind me.
"NO!! NO!! NOOO-"
~{2 n d  p e r s o n  p o v}~
You quickly shot up awake and gasped,instantly getting off your bed and dashed to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You were sweating bullets as you were catching your breath,you instantly turned on the sink then you cupped your hands together to collect water. You bent down and splashed the freezing water on your warm face. You hissed due to the cold water stinging your face,it gave you goosebumps all over your body as you shuddered. You rubbed your eyes then grabbed a towel to dry your face. As you pressed the towel tightly against your face,you screamed very loudly so the towel could prevent the scream to be loud,since you don't want to concern your neighbors and think you're getting murdered. You slowly moved the towel away from your face as questions started to flood in your mind.
"W-what was that?..what was all that about?!" You kept overthinking and asking questions,suddenly that's when it hit you.
"Who was that?..who are they?..Why were they in distress?..and they told me to run away..why though..I wonder if they're ok.." you quietly said that to yourself. Somehow,you felt bad for the stranger you encountered in your dream. Though,you're not sure if they're real,they seem like they belonged in a different universe that doesn't even exist,yet somehow it feels like they're real. Hearing their violent cries of stress makes you feel awful for not helping them out,but then you thought that you couldn't do anything to help them. You shook your head to distract yourself from your thoughts as you headed to the nightstand and grabbed your phone to see the time.
"What? It's 1:36am?..it's so early..I don't even feel like going back to sleep after what happened.." You tiredly looked around your room,wondering what you could do to kill time since you didn't want to go back to sleep after that nightmare. You turned your head to stare at your closet door,then you immediately thought of your PlayStation and that video game. You were hesitant to play that game,you then speak to yourself.
"Oh c'mon (y/n)..it's just a video game..how bad can it be?" It hit you,those words,those exact same words your mother said when she was gonna buy that video game. Those words made you feel reassured the game is perfectly safe,yet you were still hesitant,that's when you became very impatient to yourself. You aggressively opened the closet door and hastily grabbed your PlayStation and its controller with the holographic box,containing the video game that you never played since you bought it. You ran your way to the living room,you started plugging in the console on the huge widescreen television. After that you plugged the PS controller into the console,immediately turning on the old and dusty PlayStation. A soft humming sound came from the old console,surprisingly it still worked despite being in bad shape with dents and scratches. You turn on the television,you immediately squint your eyes trying to adjust your eyes with the brightness of the TV.

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