..⤞It's not just codes and numbers⤝..

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Lv. 3
~{2 n d  p e r s o n  p o v}~
It's been hours since you laid on the ground unconscious,the butterflies fluttered around the field as they carefully landed on you. The sun rays gave your (s/c) a beautiful shine,you looked peaceful,until a loud sound of a barking dog startled the frail insects and they all scattered away. The dog playfully ran around chasing the butterflies,until you caught their attention. The dog trotted towards you and sniffed you and licked your cheek,wagging their small tail in joy. Someone yelled at the distance,calling out for the dog.
~{??? p o v}~
That lil rascal,always has to be running out of the Hourglass Meadow! Taking care of these mutts is getting rid of my energy and patience,but I still love them even though they're a pain sometimes. I found the goldie until I stopped on my own tracks. "Huh?..Oi you little rascal!! Step away from that thing this instant!!" They looked at me for a second and they continued to lick that creature's face completely ignoring my command.
"You lil- Quit that slobbering!!" I quickly scooped the dog in my arms as I glared at that creature thing. She seemed unconscious,yet I see a little movement on her chest so it seems like she's breathing. I poked the creature thing with my cane,
"Hm..squishy..she seems like she has a soft body..like she has a rounded and fluid shape..nothing geometrical..too humane for this world..wait don't tell me...a human?! It's been years since a human entered our world!! What should I do with her?? How do humans work??" I panicked and looked around the field,how did she get here?How long has she been here?
"Ok ok..uhh..hmm..maybe I should help her..she seems hurt and tired,but i better keep my guard up because she may be dangerous..she better not plan anything funny or i'll bash her head with my cane." I carefully picked her up and made my way towards the giant hourglass.
~{y / n ' s  p o v}~
I slowly opened my eyes,slowly adjusting to the bright light of the highly saturated turquoise sky,somehow this time the sky has..glass windows? I grunted as I slowly got up,feeling a pang of pain in my head.
"Ow..my head..where am I?" I looked around,at first I thought it was a normal field of flowers,but when I looked at the flowers next to me that's when I realized the flowers had a humanoid face. I stood up feeling a bit disturbed at the sudden realization,until a voice with a thick russian accent boomed behind me.
"Oi! Sit back down,you're weak and you need to rest!" I hastily turned around as I nervously stared at the strange humanoid feline. She has a bicolored body,one side is red with an oblong light yellow cat eye, the other is white with a cartoony light yellow human eye and a red cheek. Her mouth is only on her red side,and her white side is the only one with an eyebrow. Her look is topped off with whiskers,pointy black cat ears,and two thick brown pigtails. Her outfit consists of a brown button-up vest exposing her midriff, and a matching long brown skirt tied with a red belt,she also seems to hold a shepherd staff.
"OI!! Quit staring and sit down!!" I squeaked in surprise as I quickly sat back down. "Who are you? And why are you here? Answer honestly or you'll get a beating from my cane!" the humanoid feline hissed at me as she pointed her cane directly at me in a threatening manner.
"Hey hey calm down!! I mean no harm to anyone or anything! I don't know where I am but all I know is that i've been sucked to this..umm..game?..It's a long story..oh um and my name is (y/n)." The feline raised her eyebrow,questioning if she can trust me. I raised both my hands up showing that I'm no threat and that I'm unarmed.
"Look I promise I'm no threat..I'll explain to you everything..all I want is to go back home and leave this place.." She tense down,yet she still looked at me with a stern face. "Good,you don't have to explain anything to me. I know that humans come here..it's just unexpected that another human came here after many years,it's been a long time...we all still don't know how y'all come here and how humans work,you humans are such weird creatures.." the feline scoffed.
"Call me Shepherd,and you're in the Hourglass Meadow,stay as long as you want but don't interrupt me from doing my work,and be careful to not fall in the holy code if you don't want to drown yourself to death like you were about to few hours ago,but most importantly..don't harm my dogs.." Shepherd held her cane tightly as she smacked her cane with her other hand,giving me a warning to not cause any trouble or I'll get the beating of a lifetime. I nervously gulped and nodded,she really seems to care about her dogs so much,suddenly I realised something.
"Wait what dogs?" I looked around and I saw no dog in sight,until Shepherd rolled her eyes in annoyance and whistled.Suddenly,Golden Retrievers started appearing out of nowhere as they all gathered towards me,seeming they're curious about my appearance. I nervously sweatdropped and sat completely still,until all the goldies pounced at me and they all playfully licked all over my face. I happily giggled while enjoying the affection from the adorable golden retrievers and gave them all belly rubs and head pats. Shepherd rolled her eyes at me and she spoke.
"Anyways,why did you come here in the first place? It's better not because you came here to do something sketchy or spread a virus to destroy the game like the others tried to do before.." Shepherd crossed her arms.
"Like the others? Did somebody want to hack this game before? Well that's awful..but no I'm not here to do any of that..It's just that I bought this game many years ago,I never played it because I heard that this game trapped players inside here and I got scared that if the rumors are true..I decided to play it after avoiding it for years..aaand now here I am..nearly drowned in this weird holy code thing and now I'm surrounded by adorable dogs and now I'm talking with a picasso painting." I smiled jokingly to lighten the mood. Shepherd's ears flattened as she just looked at me unamused. I nervously laughed then my stomach growled,that's when I realized I haven't eaten anything since I got here. Shepherd took notice of that as she reached down her pocket. She took out something which looked like a cookie..candy?.. I had no idea what it was. She handed it over to me and I looked at her,
"Eat it..you must be hungry and that's all I have,it's turron..my favorite." I smiled at her and broke the treat in half as I gave Shepherd a piece.
"Thanks! Here I want you to have some too." Shepherd was surprised at my sudden action,that's when she gave me a tiny smile and took the piece of turron. She sat down next to me and we both ate turron while watching the dogs float around the Hourglass Meadow.
~{S h e p h e r d ' s  p o v}~
Wow..I really didn't expect her to be such a kind person,I really expected this simpleton to be rude or treating all of us like we're just emotionless prototypes made of codes and numbers. She even treated my children with kindness and care,which I really appreciate. She even treats me like I am a real being with emotions,she seems like a trustworthy person. Maybe she's worth being my comrade,still I must keep an eye on her in case she does anything bad.
..(time skip)..
~{2 n d  p e r s o n  p o v}~
You spent the rest of your day inside the Hourglass Meadow,playing with the hourglass dogs and enjoying watching the flowers,you were creeped out of them at first but you got used to them immediately. Right now you just sat next to Shepherd while she was resting while the hourglass dogs snuggled against her. It's adorable seeing them,it's like they're all family,but somehow that thought made you kinda sad. Though you just spent a whole day inside the game,you already missed your home and your family,you were afraid that you're gonna spend your whole life inside this weird world,you did know that you can exit the game..you just didn't know how.
"Hmm..I'll just take a nap..I'm so exhausted.." You carefully made your way to the middle of the flowerbed and you laid there. You slowly close your eyes and let the sleepiness succumb you.
~{3 r d  p e r s o n  p o v}~
(Y/n) suddenly woke up and sat up,she looked around and realized she's back in her apartment.
"Wait..so it was all a dream?" (y/n) tiredly spoke,she was still tired. She then looked at her left side and noticed the playstation with the controller next to her. Her eyes widened in fear and quickly stood up.
"N-no..it was not a dream..what the fuck was all that?..Am I becoming insane?..what was all that?!" (Y/n) frustratedly questioned herself everything what's happening. She had enough and she unplugged the console with the controller and stomped her way to the back porch. She held the electronics over the railing as she was about to drop it. She was terrified,she was puzzled,she kept asking herself what just happened.
"I-I don't know what the fuck was all that..but that's a fucking curse..the myth was real all along..i can't believe it..doesn't matter..because I don't want to deal with this anymore.." (Y/n)'s arms shaked in nervousness as she was about to let go of the console,threatening that she's going to drop it from the 23rd story apartment. (Y/n)'s mind was flooded with thoughts until she made her decision,
"N-No..I.can't.." she immediately brought the consone away from the railing and brought the console back inside the apartment.
"I can't do it..somehow this game feels like there's living beings inside..like..they aren't just codes and numbers..it feels like they're actual living beings with emotions..I can't just destroy the game and everything..I'll kill them all wouldn't I?.." (Y/n) released a deep sigh. (Y/n) was terrified about what just happened,but then she remembered the interaction with Shepherd and the Hourglass Dogs.
"..how could I instantly forget about them..I guess I was just more focused about what happened in the holy code..I can't believe I'm so blind to realize that the game was not bad at all..the holy code is the only terrifying experience..but if I get used to it then it won't be that bad as I thought.." she said to herself as she plugged the console back on the Tv. Even though (y/n) was flabbergasted after what happened,somehow she wanted to go back,until her stomach churned due to she was still hungry.
"Maybe I should eat something before I go back in there." After (y/n) ate something to fill up her stomach,she went towards the Tv and turned it on along with the PlayStation. She selected the 'play' option immediately as the dialogue popped up.
"Well well well you came back! I really expected you to throw the game away or sell it like the others did. Besides all that,I'm glad you came back! Oh and since you were able to get along with the characters in the game,you made an achievement! You finally have a shortcut to enter and exit the game! Quick! Look inside the CD case!" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as she grabbed the CD case and opened it. Her eyes widened as she saw a ring with a beautiful bicolored gemstone. The ring itself is a polished jet black color,the gem is half vibrant yellow,as the other half is a mysterious dark blue.
"Holy smokes..what a beautiful gemstone..and it has two different colors? This is extraordinary..what's this for?" (Y/n) turned to face the Tv and the dialogue appeared again.
"Like I said,it's a shortcut to go inside the game without a problem! But first you have to find the number to help you use the ring. Once you find that number,you'll say that number out loud then the ring will do its job. Here I'll give you a hint!"

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