..⤞A New Friend⤝..

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Ena and I talked for hours and honestly she's.. how do I say it.. quite intriguing. We talked about our interests, hobbies, anything that comes to mind. I kept on trying to make the conversation longer, but as we proceeded to talk I started to run out of topics, then we both fell to complete silence. As I gave in to the awkward atmosphere I looked down my lap and fiddled with my fingers, but I couldn't help but feel Ena staring at me. From the corner of my eye, I see Ena giving me a look of astonishment, her head cocked to the side like a curious puppy, probably because I'm the first human she made contact with. All of a sudden a question came up to my head. How did I end up here? How did I get injured?

"Hey Ena,I really appreciate you taking care of me while I was knocked out, but by any chance do you know how I got hit in the first place?" I asked Ena which she replied with a nod.

"You fell from the auctioneer's stage, well more like he dropped you.. and you landed on your head, somehow you miraculously survived because that was such a tremendously long fall." Ena spoke with genuine worry in her voice. I gave Ena a questioning look as more questions filled my head.

"Auctioneer? Was he trying to sell me? Why?" I spoke as my hands started to fidget in a nervous manner. "I'm not sure why, the auctioneer just had you in a bag, but a rock storm interrupted the auction and all of a sudden he just dropped you out of distress.. which was a ridiculous decision." Ena said and crossed her arms and shook her head with disappointment. My head couldn't wrap around on what Ena just explained to me, everything was just so weird to me. Due to my overthinking, I suddenly felt a whiff of pain in my head as I released a small hiss, which caught Ena's attention.

"Are you alright (Y/N)? Does your head hurt that badly? I could give you some painkillers and I'll let you rest." Ena stood up to get the painkillers. I softly nodded while holding my head. "Yes please, I would appreciate it a lot.." Ena flashed me a smile and nodded as she quickly left to get the pills. I released a shallow sigh and carefully laid on the couch, letting my body succumb to the plush furniture. In a matter of seconds, Ena came back with a glass of water and a small packet. I was about to sit back up until I felt a gentle hand pushing me back against the couch.

"No need to get back up, you can still take the pill while laying down." Ena chimed and gave me a reassuring smile. She opened the small packet as a small cyan crystal plopped on her hand. I gave Ena a questioning look and she took notice. "Hehe I know it may look strange but don't worry, you'll be able to swallow it like any other pill." She stated as she handed me the glass of water and the pill. I proceeded to plop the pill in my mouth then took a sip of water, swallowed and felt the pill going down my throat. "Thanks a lot for the painkiller En-" I froze as Ena stiffened and gave me a worried look.

"(Y/N)?..Are you alright dearest chum?" Ena spoke worriedly. My eyelids started to feel heavy, it felt like my vision started to grow dark, my eyes rolled back, and then yet again I blacked out. Ena's eyes widened in shock as she quickly adjusted me to a comfortable sleeping position. "I guess the painkillers were too much for you to handle huh?.."  As she was about to get up and walk away, she hesitated and looked at me. She kneeled down next to my sleeping state and her eyes roamed all over my (S/C) face. She leaned closer towards me and started to inspect my features.

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~{Ena's Pov}~

I kneeled beside (Y/N) while they were sleeping, they looked so peaceful. "Wow.. amazing.. I've never seen such a unique living being in my whole life.." I gently stroked their (H/L) (H/C),it had a very interesting texture.. until my hand slowly made its way to (Y/N)'s cheek. I stiffened at the feeling of their skin as my eyes widened and gasped lightly.

"So warm and soft, it's like something out of this world.. how wonderful.." I whispered to myself. I gave her cheek a gentle squeeze, continuing to caress their soft face with pure delicacy, like holding a delicate porcelain doll. The feeling of their warmth on my hand gives me chills, the velvety feeling of their skin.. it's too exquisite for me to handle. "I can't believe it.. a human in my house, what an honor! I did hear rumors about humans coming from the sky...are they angels of some sorts?"

I questioned myself until I felt movement on my hand. My eyes quickly turned to my hand about to pull it away, but I felt a soft grasp on my wrist, followed with the growing feeling of warmth. My cheeks flushed up with a hue of red as (Y/N) gently grabbed my wrist. Their nose nuzzled against the palm of my hand, smiling in their sleep. But the feeling of their rose petal lips brushing against my palm just makes my stomach a weird static-y feeling. I swore to Great Runas that I almost had a glitching fit at the adorable sight, I couldn't help but squeal internally.

I've never felt such enthusiasm just by the touch of a human, they're such wonderful beings. I carefully pulled my hand from their grasp, the softness and warmth slowly fading away, which made me miss the feeling immediately "Rest well (Y/N).." I smiled and got up to go to my room, trying to find something to waste time on while I waited for (Y/N) to wake up.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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