Chapter 8

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The past couple of weeks I've mostly spent getting used to working with Leo on the questions, we've started to work pretty well together. Were pretty much a week ahead on guests so we pumped the breaks before we get too ahead of ourselves. "you two are working really well together" Jimmy invited us out to lunch and have a chat. 

"Yeah, I guess we've found a good fit" The waiter comes back with our drinks and we continue talking. "Tell us about yourself YN I've worked with you for weeks now and now next to nothing, how did you get into writing" I take a long sip of my drink debating on what to say. 

"You wrote for Lin, right? for hamilton" my heart sunk Jimmy looked at me pleased and I nodded my head. 

"Yeah for a few years, how did you know"

"We're good friends, I'm thinking of bringing him on the show" Lin. on the show, I quickly settle my nerves luckily Leo continues the conversation. After an hour of talking we all head back to the studio to continue to work Jimmy heads straight to hair and makeup leaving Leo and me in our office. 

"Are you okay YN?" I look up from my computer and meet his gaze. 

"Did you say something?" 

"After Jim mentioned Lin you went quiet I was wondering if you were okay" 

"Oh yeah, I'm fine thanks it just brought back a lot of memories" I continue working on my computer mainly just working out my timetable and pretending to look busy. My mind keeps drifting back to what Jimmy said 'im thinking of binging him on the show' I don't know if I'm excited or nervous but I have seen him in years. To think that I could see him again puts a funny feeling in my stomach, I always knew it would happen eventually but I never put much thought into it. I would have to tell Phillip and how he has an unknown son, Is he still with Pippa? I've reframed from snooping in his business partly because I don't trust myself not to reach out but because I don't know how I would react. But today I decide to, I open google and type in Lin...

"Hey, YN can I have your help quickly" Jimmy comes in and ushers me to his dressing room. 

"Whats u?" 

"My stylist isn't here so can you help me with my hair?" I laugh at how much he panicking 

"Where have you been for the last half hour? I thought you went to hair and makeup" 

"Well I was but I got caught up at the snack bar" I take a look at his hair and it looks fine it just needs to be brushed a bit. I sit him down in his chair and start to brush it back when he gets a call on his phone. He picks it up and begins talking, the voice on the other side is muffled but I can pick up that they're talking about some sort of fundraiser. I finish up his hair and put some spray on it and head out. Sitting behind my desk and continuing my search Lin Manuel Miranda. I click enter and quickly back out of it as Jimmy comes back in. "Hey can you two work on some questions for Lin he's coming in tomorrow" 

"Tomorrow !" I shout without realizing.

"Yeah is that okay ?" 

"Oh yeah um .... I need to pick up Phil soon though" 

"That's fine I can work on it" Leo and Jimmy start to talk as I rush home to pick up Phillip.

"Hey hey hey little man" as soon as I see Phillip emerge from his class I instantly start to tickle him. His sweet little laugh echos through the playground and we start walking home. As always he starts to talk about what he had learned today. While he does I debate on telling him about Li- 

"Helooooooo" I was pulled out of my thoughts by his question. 

"Yeeeessssssss" I mimic his voice and listen. 

"do we have chicken nuggets" 

"No, but we can make some" We make out was home and Phillip kicked his shoes off and went straight to the tv. I head to the kitchen to see if we had the ingredients and set them out on the table. "Phillip are you coming to help" He quickly scurries through and we begin. "grab a bit of chicken and dip it in the egg" He instantly plunged the chicken into the slimy mixture along with the rest of his hand I laugh and do the same but sparing my hand in the process. We finish up putting the chicken in the oven. Phillip seemed to have a hand covered in bread crumbs and egg smile and started to play with it. I stood there laughing at him when he marched closer to me. 

"Can I have a hug" He chaced me with his hand and wiped it down my arm leaving a trail of egg slime and bread clumps. I turn around and chased him with my arm before washing the remnants of the mixture off my arm and cleaning his hand. We both sit back down I watch his shows with him before serving our food. "Mmmmm this is really good" Phillip gave me a high-five and I watch I'm eating while marveling at the show in front of him. 

"Hey Phillip" 

"Hmm" He turns to me wiping the crumbs off his mouth. I debate on asking him about Lin about what he wants but refrain. 

"you got an extra bit here" I take some of his ketchup and wipe it on his nose. We both finish and go to bed. I stare up at the ceiling trying to find some type of excuse not to go in tomorrow but Drift of to sleep instead.            

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