Chapter 9

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Typing. That's all I've been doing since I got to work trying to distract myself. I tried so many ways to get out of today but all of them fell through. Asked Phillip if he was sick, Went to the coffee shop to see if Tom needed help, went back to my old job to see if Uzi wanted me for anything. I even asked Phillip if he wanted to go to the cinema instead of school and he still said no. I could have just called in sick but I'm single-handedly the worst liar in existence when it comes to this stuff. Instead, I just came in slightly late and now I'm here typing. "What are you even working on" Leo strolls into our office. "We haven't got any new guests, have we ?" 

"No, I'm just writing down some ideas for other questions"

"Well, Jimmy and I are going to grab some lunch before Lin arrives you coming?" Lunch? we only usually have lunch on Fridays. 

"What day is it" 

"Friday we always have lunch together on Fridays" Shit I forgot to ask Tom to pick up Phillip he leaves school early today. 

"uh yeah, I will be out in a second" I grab my phone and call Daveed. "Hi I'm soo sorry but can you pick up Phillip after school today"

"yeah no problem"

"Oh thank you so much ill text you the details" I instantly hang up and head down to meet Jimmy and Leo. "Sorry I had to make a call". We all get to a small cafe. I don't eat much and we all just talk about random stuff about the show. 

"Are you excited about seeing Lin again YN" I'm instantly pulled out of thoughts by Jimmy's question? 

"Yeah, it will be nice to see him again" I'm more nervous than anything. What if he finds out about Phillip? I shake the thought out of my head. After a while, We head back to the studio.

"YN can you come help with set up" 

"Yeah sure," I figure he has something to say to me since the crew usually handles set up, we head backstage and sit in a surprisingly big room. "What is this room" 

"It's usually for the big guests" He gestures towards the huge vanity mirrors with cupboards presumably for makeup surrounding them. I look back towards him waiting for him to speak. "Are you feeling okay?" I pause and look down at my feet. "it seems like you've been nervous all day, Is it about Lin coming on?"

"I have a lot of history with him and I don't know how he will react seeing me" I look back up at him, his eyebrows furrow. 


"Yeah we um disagreed on a lot of ... things" 

"Then you have nothing to worry about that was years ago" I let out a nervous laugh stand up with him. "Come on you'll be fine" I walk to open the door and turn back him.

"Thanks, I really appreciate-" I instantly bump into someone "Oh sorry Jimmy" I turn back to walk out the door soon realizing it wasn't jimmy "Pippa?" 

"YN" Lin emerges behind her and I step out of the way for them to walk in. 

They both walk into the room with Jimmy closely following, I went to leave the but my feet were stuck in place stopping me in my tracks. "are you just going to stand there?" Jimmy said with a laugh completely oblivious to the situation. I sit in the chair I was previously in, Leo flashes me a smile. Jimmy and Lin start talking about types of vinyl so I take a chance to escape. "YN before you go" I spin back around and face Jimmy trying not to notice Pippa staring holes in my face. 


"Can you stay after the show I need your help with something" 

"uh yeah okay" I quickly leave the room and rush for the toilets. I sit in a stall and dial Daveed's number. 

"Hey is everything okay with Phillip"

"Yeah, he's watching that dog show" I laugh and his confusion. "Is everything okay with you"

"Yeah um can you stay a bit longer Jimmy needs my help after the show, I promise ill try to hurry is just that I don't want to let him down and Lin is on the show so I didn't want to mention Phillip" 

"Hey calm down it's fine I've got this you just worry about work ill see you when you get home"

"Thank you so much" I stay in the stall for a bit and take a deep breath. With my hands in my head, I try to make sense of what's going on Lin is still with Pippa? I don't know what it was expecting but it certainly wasn't that. I head out the stall and splash my face with water and head back to my works station and distract myself with my phone for the rest of the show.

"How are you" I look up from my desk and see Leo walking in 

"Yeah I'm good" 

"they almost finished out there so prepare yourself" He flashes me a smile and I laugh at the completely oblivious joke he made. 

"thank you". While Leo packs up his stuff I switch off the computer since I wasn't using it anyway and get all my stuff sorted out and Jimmy soon comes into the office. 

"ah, there you are!"  

"here I am, what do you need help with" 

"come with me I need you to film something" 


"jimmy why are we at a lake" I take a look around and see a boat sitting by the shore. "I am not getting in that thing" 

"you don't have to oh there he is Lin! over here" Unaccompanied by Pippa Lin walks over, it's the first time I get a proper look at him. He looks the same but that hair, I stop myself from checking him out and look back over to Jimmy why does he still have that effect on me. Jimmy and Lin clamber into the canoe with thick red life jackets on. "YN grab your phone" As I do the canoe slowly drifts of 

"Jimmy were floating!" Lin shouts out panicked. 

"I hope we are" Jimmy and I start laughing while Lin struggles to move the both of them back. Soon after Jimmy helps them get back to the shore. "Are you filming YN"

"Yeah I have been this whole time" 

"Oh okay are you ready Lin" I prepare myself for what's about to happen and they start singing. "I'm one goat in a boat going for a summer float I wish I had another goat" I start laughing at his song. I zoom out showing Lin "Two goats in a boat" 

"That's amazing!" I smile at the both of them and catch myself staring at Lin "Is there anything else you want me to film" We stay there for a few hours and I film them with random objects. "You guys need to get out of that death trap now" Jimmy manages to stand and jumps onto the grass beside me. 

"Come on Lin" Jimmy kneels down and pulls the boat closer to land. 

"I'm going to jump" Lin balances on the boat and leaps towards me. We both fall to the floor with a big thump. 

"You alright their" Lin remained on top of me looking over my face. 

"Yeah are you okay" His warm voice instantly makes me smile and he does the same. Phillip I completely forgot, I snap out of the trance as Lin begins to stand. 

"I um need to get back home and finish something" 


I fiddle with the lock and walk quietly inside and find Daveed and Phillip asleep with the Tv still on. I grab Phillip and tuck him in, "Hey Daveed you hungry" He slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me. 

"Nah I'm good we made dinner" He sits up rubs his face. 

"you can sleep there if you want its late ill grab you some covers" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah it's fine I've got a day off tomorrow so you don't need to wake up early" I hand Daveed a cover and he falls straight back to sleep, I walk through to my room and do the same. 

AN: I so sorry for the late chapter. I tried to finish it quicker but some stuff came up but anyway welcome to the new followers !!! I really appreciate every one of you and would love to hear from you. (if you want to) But that is today I hope you enjoyed the chapter !!!                      

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