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Transcripts of emails exchanged by an anonymous source and Agent 725

Wednesday, 9:45pm, unlisted date


I'm bored.

Entertain me.

Hand yourself in
and maybe I will.

Stop it with the dirty jokes

That wasn't dirty.
You made it sound dirty.

I wasn't the one who said it, though.

May I remind you there's 20 days left?

If anyone should be counting their days,
it's you.

Oh please, Louis.

You're trying to sound threatening

but it doesn't work.

And why is that?

I've seen you get hit by a pork slab.

Every time you try to put on that

"I'm an Agent, boo hoo" spiel,

I just envision you flying across the room.

I hate you.

Are you implying you'd feel anything else?

Absolutely not.

Good, because I'd kill you on the spot

if you were plotting things in your mind.


Oh please, you're a criminal.

You're the one who plots.

It keeps you on your toes.

I know.

Obviously, since you seem

to know everything except the

important things.

Important things?

Can you read or not?

TWISTED ꜜ LOUIS PARTRIDGEWhere stories live. Discover now