Part 1: the afftermath

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This is not how I wanted to start the day.  Of course it would be today of all days the day I'm supposed to go back. I get out of bed with a growl as my feet hit the floor. "Is everything ok? Magnolia?" Asked Friday, the AI, when I let out the growl. "Yes Friday everything fine." I say. "OK Magnolia."  And with that Friday went quite. I make my way to the kitchen where Pops,Steve, is making food and Dad, Tony, is drinking coffee looking at the paper. I scan the room and decided to head back to my room. "Oh good morning baby girl." Dad says. Shoot. I turn around to face him with a forced smile on my face. "Would you like some breakfast?" Pops asks. I nod and sit down reliefed to get the weight off my feet. "Did you sleep well?" Dad asked. I nod again as Pops sets food in front of me. Pops and Dad exchange looks of worry. "Hey little sis." My oldest brother, Harley, says messing up my hair. I sigh and go back to eating. Harley gives Dad and Pops a worried look. Then my other brother Peter, walked in very energetic. "Morning Dad, Pops, Harley." He looks at me. "And a very good morning to you Maggie." He finishes. At this point I'm over it. "WHY IS EVERYONE SO HAPPY!?" I spat getting up from the table storming off to my room leaving a plate with food on it still and a confused family. I slam the door and lay on my bed. I don't mean to be so harsh it was just too much. Then there was a knock on the door.

One knock.

Two knock.

Three knock.

That can only be one of two people. Peter or Harley. "Go away." I say. "Maggie please let us come in." Says Harley. Did he say 'us'? I cracked the door to see all of them standing there. They got the whole family here. "Go away." I say before quickly shutting the door. I sit on the bed when they open the door. I pull my legs up to my chest and make sure my feet are out of the way so people don't sit on them. I guess you'd like to know what lead up to this.

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