Part 4: the training

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We make our way to the training room. "OK so do you think you can train in that?" He ask motioning to my outfit. "I can train in almost anything." I say. He goes over to the CD player in the back. (Cue video). Eye of the tiger plays not thinking only reacting I start bounching from let to right on the ball of my feet. "So you do know somethings." He says turning the music up and goes over to a punching bag. "OK I'll hold it you give it your best punch." He says with a smirk. Does he think I'm not that strong? I got up to the bag and punch it half strength and he goes flying backwards. "That wasn't your full power was it?" He ask. "If I had used my full power you would be three or four rooms down the hall." I say. He comes back over and we look at the bag. It's busted in half. "OK Magnolia let's get you some different clothes before I sent you somewhere." He says. I roll up my sleeves trying to cool down. He turns the music off and looks at me. "Is that all you got?" He ask. "No that's just what I show." I say moving the shirt of my shoulders. "It goes from my arms around the top of my back and my chest." I say. He smiles and walks me to a room with clothes in it. He picks up a black tank top and holds it out to me. I take it. He does the same thing with a pair of black tights, black socks, and black shoes. "Go put those on then come find me." He says leaving. I go to a room that no one can see into and I change. I walk out as I'm pulling my hair into a high ponytail. "You look like a daydream girl." The boy from earlier says walking up to me. "But I can be your worst nightmare." I say smiling. "Fall out!" The Father man yells. "Yes Father?" He asks when we get over to him. "What are you doing?" He says sternly. "I-I" Fall out starts. "Its ok sir we were talking." I say. Father sighs. I flinch and they both look at me. "She's a fast learner no wonder they keep her." He says. I relax. "She says she can be my worst nightmare." Fall out  says. I look at him. "Dont test her she broke a punching bag not even at full strength." Father says. "You held back?" Fall out asks. "Yeah I didn't want him to go flying 4 rooms through the walls now." I say. "You really are a nightmare." Fall out says. "I like that. Magnolia from here on out you will be known as Nightmare or Night." Father says. "Yes sir." I say. I look at my tattoos. They are vines with stars in them. My back has a flower and my neck has two hearts.

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